Hillary could not get over her loss

Discussion in 'Politics' started by carrer, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. carrer


    Blamed everyone else except herself.
    Tom B likes this.
  2. Clearly carrer has no thoughts in his own head, he is just a follower of this Ben Shapiro guy.

    Sad. Like Hillary.
    Tony Stark likes this.
  3. carrer


    I am merely conveying his message. I have no personal opinions or thoughts on this matter, nor associated with him.
  4. Unless get paid, it means you love him. I recall something of his, he has about the most nasally Jewish "krekhtser" (whiner) voice possible. Why would would want to pass that horrible sound on to decent people in their homes?
    Cuddles likes this.
  5. Cuddles


    :D . He may be a decent debater, but sounds as annoying as a nagging gf, or that nasal nerd that always got his ass beat in high school. Should get a voice coach, may make him tolerable to listen to.
  6. gwb-trading


    "Hillary could not get over her loss"

    Not to worry we are over her loss.

    In fact most reasonable people were happy to see it.
  7. Cuddles


    You say that, yet Fox and right wingers can't stop reporting or talking about it
  8. gwb-trading


    They were mainly mocking the big liberal tears.
  9. Tom B

    Tom B

    Here4Ricter, Hillary keeps talking about it.

    Optionpro007 and gwb-trading like this.
  10. Arnie


    Every time she opens her pie hole, she just confirms that the voters were right.
    Carry on, Hillary. Please don't stop talking.
    #10     Mar 25, 2018