Hillary Clinton "1984"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. I know!! Next thing you will see is some "conservative Muslims" asking the owner of a gym to cover their windows because it hurts the eyes of these "conservative Muslims" watching women exercising in workout gear and what have you!


    Or in the example of where Female police officers in Montreal were instructed by their department not to deal with Orthdox Je...I mean Muslims and instead have their male couleges do the talking.


    I know I know! I am a pain in the ass, aren't I dddooo.
    #41     Apr 5, 2007
  2. That's equally disgusting and I am totally against it. What makes you think I am a fan of orthodox jews and their views?

    No, you're not a pain in the ass, you are the ass. :D
    #42     Apr 5, 2007
  3. ==================
    she want BIG gov to make every decision in EVERY life and she is so far to the left of Senator JC Watts;
    she is probably unelectable in general election:p :cool:

    I used to think perhaps the camera caught her at the wrong part of her female monthly cycle;
    but over the years i see she is just plain mean/controlling most of the time:D
    #43     Apr 5, 2007
  4. i put my money on gore. he's spreading the perfect propaganda message invented by rockefeller to accelerate the one world govt solution so dear to the NWO shills. gW is the next fraud to substitute the current fraud that is the war on terror.
    #44     Apr 5, 2007
  5. Really? I'll bet you $50,000 you're wrong about that.

    Everyone is <i>soooo</i> sure Hill-dog's gonna be president... Until I whip out my wallet for a little friendly wager, and all their confidence suddenly dries up faster than a hot young vagina exposed to LoZZZer's charming personality. :p
    #45     Apr 5, 2007
  6. Maverick74


    Well, you can't really bet on this stuff because all it takes is a perfectly timed news story and that's all she wrote.

    My argument for Hillary is of all the candidates (on the left and the right) I believe she is the most hawkish and will be the most hawkish. I think part of this will be to make up for her husbands short comings in this area as well as overcompensating for the fact that she is a woman and will not want to appear soft on foreign policy because she is a woman.

    Never bet against a Clinton, that's what I say. And who is her biggest supporter? None other then Rupert Murdoch.

    Personally I would love to see Fred Thomson in there. But I think he has too much integrity to sling enough mud to win the primary. I think Giuliani will play dirty and will get the nomination. I think Hillary will eat Obama for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here is my play. I think Giuliani has skeletons in his closet, a lot of them. You can't go after and take down the NY mob without doing something shady. And Hillary will play that card perfectly. She'll reveal Giuliani's skeletons about 90 days out and it will crush him. Once again, money and power will conquer all.

    I would love to hear your scenario.
    #46     Apr 6, 2007
  7. ak15


    Obama is the next American president.
    #47     Apr 6, 2007
  8. Of what? His local YMCA?...
    #48     Apr 6, 2007
  9. I believe the whole idea that "America is not ready for a black president" is completely ludicrous. Perhaps this was true twenty years ago but I grew up in the post-equal-rights era and as I got older I was very surprised to learn how much things had changed. Those of us who are post-baby boom just don't see race the same way and there are enough of us now to make a difference.

    Sure there was and still is a lot of prejudice around but the number of people who are unable to look at a man's or women's merits at face value is certainly much less than the 50% of the voting population required to keep a man or woman from being president.

    I believe Barak Obama will win the primary and the next presidential election.

    I am not a Democrat, I characterize myself as a social liberal and fiscal conservative. For example, I voted for George W. Bush in 2000, and no one in 2004 since I was unable to vote for President as a U.S. Virgin Islands resident. I wasn't too happy with any of the candidates in either of the last two elections. I mean are Goerge W. and Al Bore the best we can do? Or Goerge W. and John "can I condescend any more?" Kerry.

    I just finished reading Obama's book, Audacity of Hope. It was an excellent book. The thing that strikes me is that he takes many, many positions in the book which are not going to win him points with the democratic base. They will, however, win him points with people who are looking for solutions to the problems rather than sound bites. Obama strikes me as at least as intelligent as Bill Clinton without the propensity to use the polls for direction. He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review which is very hard to achieve. He also writes clearly which means he thinks clearly.

    I'll let you all make your own assessments but I can tell you one thing. Barak Obama will absolutely crush Hillary Clinton in a public debate. He can speak better than any presidential candidate since at least Kennedy and he knows the issues. I predict that Hillary Clinton will come off as arrogant and defensive in any debates. She won't be able to contain herself.

    I don't think that the Republicans can field a candidate to beat Obama given the shadow of the Iraq war and the current adminstrations abysmal popularity.

    Clinton has already peaked and Obama will pass her in the polls within 4 months. Obama's fund raising shows how much grass roots support he has; think Ross Perot without the lunatic factor.

    People are tired of Washington politics and Clinton and all the other candidates represent that politics. Many people are excited about Obama for no other reason than that he is different. For many, that's reason enough.

    Short of an implosion, I don't see anyone coming close to Obama in the primary. I predict he'll win the primary and the general election by at least 60% to 40%. That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it.

    - Curtis
    #49     Apr 6, 2007
  10. Maverick74



    I think America is ready for a black President and a woman President. Just not this black President. I'm sorry, but Obama has to be one of the least experienced "major" contenders for President this country has ever seen. And by major, I mean legitimate candidates. Donald Trump and Ralph Nader would not count as legitimate for example.

    I'm sorry, but 6 years in the Illinois State Senate and having served 1/3 of his US Senate term, he simply does not have the experience. And that will come back to bite him. Let me ask you something Curtis. If he was not black, and not a democrat, would he even be getting any media attention? In other words, I think he is completely manufactured. It's because of his skin color and because he can speak articulately and be black at the same time (not sure why America is so shocked by this) he gets blown up into this cult figure. At the end of the day, all he is is another candidate running for President with no experience and one of the most liberal voting records by anyone in the US Senate, and that is saying something.

    Now do I think he could be a serious contender down the road? Absolutely. Give him another 6 to 10 years and I think he will be quite formidable. And btw Curtis, that little book he wrote, he didn't actually write it. When his book came out it was pretty widely discussed and agreed upon that he had a ghost writer write the book. Not that necessarily invalidates the book, but just to comment on his clear writing style.

    I think everyone classifies themselves as socially liberal, fiscally conservative. Kind of like how everyone thinks they are funny and attractive. LOL. But of all the candidates that can pull in independent and crossover votes, it's Hillary, not Obama that I think can do that. I know of lot of republicans that will never admit to it, buy will vote for Clinton.

    Like I said, If Obama was a charismatic white conservative that could speak well, I doubt the media would pay any attention. Oh wait, there is one, Mit Romney, and the media is of course ignoring him. LOL.

    One thing is for certain, this election will be very entertaining to watch. I'm sticking with my Clinton prediction.
    #50     Apr 6, 2007