Hillary Clinton "1984"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. Republican wants one BIG corporation and one BIG universal HEALTHCARE BENEFITS MANAGER. They want corporations to make every decision in your life. They believe in "free markets."

    So they both suck the bag.

    #21     Mar 20, 2007
  2. lol it's almost bizarre really, the attempt to rigidly spin 'loyalty' to a candidate during primaries with traits like intelligence and unemotionality

    you were abused by those well thought out and unemotional loyalties in such an egregious fashion on your last vote... what makes you think your deep thinking will guide you to a better president in 2008? seriously? your party doesn't represent you. their tabloid rhetoric might, but that's probably the extent of it
    #22     Mar 20, 2007
  3. August


    While it's very clear that was just a mash-up which wasn't done by the Obama people - it and the many many ads that are starting to crop up sure bring up an interesting point.

    Just as much as Television affected the first televised race and one party understood it and the other did not, thus changing poles overnight. The candidtates who know and understand how to manage the fact that they cannot control their own image and cannot chase down every single person who is going to make up fake things and make disinformation, whisper, and confusion campaigns about them will end up victorious.

    Essentially, whoever can stay on target - continue to communicate a simple and healthy undistracted point of view will emerge victorious.
    #23     Mar 20, 2007
  4. The worst of the Left, Zionist Hillary, Lieberman, Pelosi... Read this post carefully if you still find yourself trapped in the "Right VS Left" hoax.


    For the people who are somehow psychologically blind to the fact that Democrats are also neocons, the kind of people who were shocked to discover that Kerry was Pro War and Pro Patriot Act when he ran against/with Bush, I thought I would point something out that is obvious to the rest of us who do no buy into this phony left VS right nonsensical crud.

    Hillary Clinton is a Pro War Zionist mal-corporate loving torture approving, civil liberties killing Democrat who votes with Bush 98% of the time.

    She was all for the Israeli war crimes in Lebanon. Hillary Clinton celebrates Israeli war crimes.


    Hillary Clinton has said "'I want us here in New York to imagine if extremist terrorists were launching rocket attacks across the Mexican or Canadian border, would we stand by or would we defend America against these attacks from extremists?' she asked. 'We will stand with Israel because Israel is standing up for American values as well as Israeli ones.' "

    She is also peeing in her panties to get America to attack Iran just as the Zionist agenda is set to do.Speaking at Princeton she spouted off the typic scae tactic non-reality based Neocon line "I believe that we lost critical time in dealing with Iran because the White House chose to downplay the threats and to outsource the negotiations. I don't believe you face threats like Iran or North Korea by outsourcing it to others and standing on the sidelines. But let's be clear about the threat we face now: A nuclear Iran is a danger to Israel, to its neighbors and beyond. The regime's pro-terrorist, anti-American and anti-Israel rhetoric only underscores the urgency of the threat it poses. U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal. We cannot and should not – must not – permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. In order to prevent that from occurring, we must have more support vigorously and publicly expressed by China and Russia, and we must move as quickly as feasible for sanctions in the United Nations. And we cannot take any option off the table in sending a clear message to the current leadership of Iran – that they will not be permitted to acquire nuclear weapons."

    Hillary is AIPAC's bitch.

    Why is she even being considered by Democrats to run in 2008? Why because the media brings up her name and people on Fox pretend to hate her. The other reason is her last name is Clinton. She is total trash.

    Joe Lieberman, the guy who Really cost GOre the election where Gore could not even win his home state. Joe Lieberman and mad with the word Lie and Man in his name is also a Pro War Pro Zionist Jew who was a founder of Home Land Security and signed the Torture Bill the both patriot Acts, and the Military Comminssions Act. Even though he is the sitting Senator, he lost the primaries to a Democrat and is now runing as an independent who used GOP money. Lieberman is and always has been a neocon. I find it very suspicious that he closed a 17 point gap in the polls even after losing his party. Lamont would waste this guy were it not for bias media and electronic voiting machines.

    It was Hilary and Lieberman together who authored the Bill the Family Entertainment Protection Act which was nothing but an attack on violent video games. Never mind that they support REAL killings of real people in Palestine where Israel sets up racial colonies and uses its military for ethnic cleansing. Oh yes waste our time and money attacking GTA III instead of ending your support of Israel who is given 10 to 15 million dollars a DAY by the US to fund thier illegal military occupation.

    Of course Lieberman is all for striking Iran.

    "Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Tuesday that he would back a U.S. airstrike on Iran's nuclear facilities if diplomatic options fail, becoming the first Democrat to announce his support for such a move.

    "I think the only justifiable use of military power would be an attempt to deter the development of their nuclear program if we felt there was no other way to do it," the former vice presidential candidate tells the Jerusalem Post"

    video Bush gave Lieberman a kis on the lips after passing his torture bill.

    I'm not going to get into that.

    But to say the least Lieberman and Bush are on excellent terms.
    The head of AIPAC the Israeli lobby caught spying on the Us, David Steiner said he had dinner with Lieberman. Lieberman is being called the AIPAC candidate. And it is dfor this reason that this Senate race has extra importance, not only to get rid of a Neocons but to slap AIPAC's reputation for delivering ringers, across the face. If AIPAC loses the power to bribe and blackmail and lie to get their puppets to win then AIPAC loses their political allies and fear.

    Speaking of AIPAC's bitches that brings me to another Democrat named Nancy Pelosi, now I am not sure which country this harpee works for the US or Israel. Of all the butt kissing that congress gives AIPAC Pelosi takes the cake. She went took the its about Israel's existence line from 49 and blamed the conflict on the Palestinians for not quietly sitting on their thumbs while Israel kills their kids, bombs and bulldozes their schools and runs the occupied territories like an out door prison. No see to Pelosi, its Palestine's fault existing on the land the Hebrew god promised (according to the Jews) to the Jews. This theological defense for a war on civilian populations and an illegal military occupation is something we all thought died with manifest destiny and the ethnic cleansing of American Indians from the land the colonist decided god wanted them to steal and murder to take.

    Nancy Pesoli supported sanctions on Iran on behalf of her love for Israel the fascist police state, and she has call for war with Iran shouting the same re-packages lies they used on Iraq, about WMD particularly a nuclear program that is based once again on ZERO evidence. I am just waiting for them to say Iran has aluminum tubes and is buying yellow cake uranium from Niger.

    This bitter, high fashion old lady has also said she would block attempts to impeach George Bush. Well after all they are in the same party, the Neocons.

    The leadership of the Left, just like the Right is all the same party, they are AIPAC's party, they are Zionist Neocons. Neocons are both Democrats and Republicans. In 2008 don't vote by party. Vote on one issue, are they anti-war or not. And that means Iraq AND Iran.

    Listen to (lesbian) whore Hillary defending the 30 miles wide country that caused us so much war and trouble. Big difference with Bush don't you think?
    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8nQpdNpQYUo"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8nQpdNpQYUo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
    #24     Mar 20, 2007
  5. The beauty of it is that his campaign didn't have to be directly involved. One thing's sure. Whoever did it wasn't trying to help Hillary.

    This is a new thing for Hillary, facing someone with access to as much money as she has. Her single biggest asset, the sense that she was unstoppable, is gone. Her second biggest asset, that she somehow "deserved" the nomination, is also looking shaky in the face of a charismatic black man. Now the focus turns to her weak point, electability.

    It is telling that her counter attacks so far have been right out of the Clinton dirty tricks playbook. They surfaced a story that questioned Obama's ethics. It was a one day story that is now forgotten. The race is beginning to turn into a positive Obama and a negative Hillary, which is the last ting she needs. Look for Bill to start taking a very public role soon before this thing spirals out of control.
    #25     Mar 20, 2007
  6. i do hear what you're saying. it's too bad the attack ads garner the attention they do. could it be a distraction from the DOJ blowup...
    #26     Mar 20, 2007
  7. problem with that argument is... Communism doesnt work. Macs do :)
    #27     Mar 20, 2007
  8. fhl


    Went to youtube yesterday and clicked on politics, most popular, most viewed, etc., and this stuff didn't even show up. Surprised me. May not be the big story that some hoped.
    #28     Mar 20, 2007
  9. Republicans don't fear Obama, which is why they are rooting for him.

    Careful analysis of why they don't fear him tells the real story, not the current kalnspin...

    It is about who the republicans think they can beat, and given a choice of a white woman married to Bill Clinton, or a young black man with little experience, it is easy to see who the repugniklans favor...

    #29     Mar 20, 2007
  10. I think it is way too early to say that. I'm not sure who would be the more formidable opponent. Honestly, I think now I would say Obama but who knows. My interest in this is purely from the standpoint of someone who enjoys watching the process.
    #30     Mar 20, 2007