Hillary Caught Lying To Congress

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. pspr


    A congressional report shows security cuts before the Benghazi attack were approved by the secretary of state and that White House talking points describing the events were edited to protect the State Department.

    The "progress" report by House Republicans will no doubt be dismissed as a partisan political document. But it effectively records administration efforts to ignore the threat of terrorism before the attack on our diplomatic mission in Benghazi, to cover up administration culpability afterward and to sweep aside responsibility for the deaths of four Americans to make the administration look caring and competent.

    Despite then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's denials that pleadings from Ambassador Chris Stevens, killed in the terrorist attack, never reached her desk, the interim Benghazi report concludes that:

    "Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including Secretary Clinton. This fact contradicts her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23, 2013."

    Indeed it does. On that date, Clinton testified:

    "I have made it very clear that the security cables did not come to my attention or above the assistant secretary level where the ARB (Accountability Review Board) placed responsibility."

    The 46-page report by the five committees of jurisdiction cites an April 19, 2012, cable bearing Clinton's signature acknowledging a formal request dated March 28, 2012, from then-U.S. Ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz for additional security assets but ordering the withdrawal of security elements to proceed as planned.

    After the attack, the talking points that became the administration's version of events were drafted. But contrary to administration rhetoric, changes to the talking points were not made to protect classified information. Concern for classified information is never mentioned in email traffic among senior administration officials.

    According to the report, when then-CIA Director David Petraeus briefed the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Sept. 14 about the Benghazi attack, the CIA notes for that briefing included:

    • Information about five previous attacks on foreign interests in Benghazi since April 2012.

    • Potential links to the al-Qaida connected Libyan militia, Ansar al-Sharia.

    • Previous CIA assessments of groups linked to al-Qaida in eastern Libya.

    • Information suggesting Islamic extremists participated in the attack.

    After Petraeus' testimony, the report states that once the editing process began, "draft talking points were sent to officials throughout the Executive Branch, (and) senior State Department officials requested the talking points be changed to avoid criticism for ignoring the threat environment in Benghazi."

    The report quotes one email saying there was concern that members of Congress would attack the State Department for "not paying attention to Agency warnings" regarding the mounting threat in Benghazi.

    The report also says changes eliminating the truth about Benghazi were made at the behest of the White House and the State Department, and that the changes were made to make the administration look good.

    The administration then sent Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to appear on five Sunday morning talk shows with the newly edited talking points and the bald-faced lie that the attack on the Benghazi compound was spurred by a "spontaneous" demonstration against an anti-Muslim Internet video.

    "What difference, at this point, does it make?" was Clinton's heated response when pressed why the White House long insisted the deaths of four Americans was the result of reaction to a YouTube video and not to an organized terrorist attack for which the administration was not prepared and tried to sweep under the Oval Office rug.

    To the families of Christopher Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Ty Woods, the truth still matters and makes a world of difference.

  2. Lucrum


    Hillary Caught Lying To Congress

    What was it this time?

    "I did not have sexual relations with that man"

  3. achilles28


    I think she likes the ladies...
  4. pspr


    I think it had something to do with baseball and drugs.
  5. Lucrum


    The Hildabeast shoved a baseball up her coochie while snorting coke?
  6. "come to my attention" will be the new what is, is? Does that mean she actually saw something in detail, or does it mean it was just a piece of paper laying around the office waiting for her sorry ass to read it, or remain willfully ignorant of the situation? Given the administrations proclivity for maintaining plausible denilability, it's a easy guess she'll use ever improving Sgt. Shultz routine.
  7. pspr


    I don't know but it could get her inducted into the Hall of Shame.
  8. jem


    how do you know when a Clinton is not telling the truth?
    Bill is sleeping.

    (otherwise there would be 2 clintons not telling the truth)
  9. pspr


    The Clintons have been a stain on America.

    Unfortunately, we are probably going to move even farther away from morality in this country rather than to move back to a more moral society.
  10. Too bad Romney wimped out and didn't push this hard during the campaign.

    It was obvious Obama and Clinton were desperate to cover up what happened there, but Romney inexplicably went along with it.

    He should have demanded an apology and correction from CNN for that cow making a mockery of the second debate. Instead, he swallowed it.

    Then he wimped out when the moderator teed it up for him as the first question in the last debate.

    As for Hillary, she should be indicted for perjury. How many tiems can she lie to official bodies and get away with it? She lied to a grand jury(s) during Bill's scandals. Now she lied to congress. And they have documentary proof of it.

    Nothing will come of it, just like nothing came of Holder's lies.
    #10     Apr 25, 2013