Hillary as VP???

Discussion in 'Politics' started by saxon, Jun 3, 2008.

Hillary Clinton WILL be Obama's running mate.

  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. No

    44 vote(s)
  1. saxon



    Aside from the fact (IMO) that Obama does not NEED Hillary on his ticket to win...from a practical standpoint, it is true:

    Obama HAS come up very fast, and it WILL take some serious focus to establish himself--and the tone of his presidency--if he is elected. I think the voters are generally confident that this is a very bright young guy who will be a quick study; but if he is distracted by a competition with his VP (and her HUSBAND, an ex-president), that task will be very much more difficult.

    Better to just cut her loose, and focus on governing.
    #11     Jun 3, 2008
  2. So you are still afraid of Hillary, eh?


    #12     Jun 3, 2008
  3. Obama/Clinton gets

    50% of the female vote

    80 % of the latino vote

    99% of the black vote in huge numbers

    75 % of the young voters

    80 % of the Jewish vote

    Obama cant get these numbers without Hilary(except the black vote of course)

    Hilary might even bring Arkansas and helps big time in FL.

    Obama/Hilary/and Randell side by side probably gets Pennsylvania

    Obama/Hilary/and Strickland side by side probably gets Ohio

    I don't see how this ticket can lose.take Hilary out,i can see him losing
    #13     Jun 3, 2008
  4. http://tomflocco.com/fs/HinckleyAndBush.htm

    "Everyone knows who John Hinckley, Jr. is. This youngest Hinckley son is now being permitted unsupervised visits within the Washington, DC metropolitan area--away from his mental facility, after nearly killing President Reagan in 1981. But a much more interesting subject is, who is John Hinckley, Sr.?

    In 1980, Hinckley Sr. was a Texas oilman who, the records show, strove mightily to get fellow Texas oilman George H.W. Bush the Republican nomination for president. The Bushes and the Hinckleys were frequent dinner companions.

    But far beyond their social connection, neither Bush nor Hinckley wanted Ronald Reagan to become president, because Reagan was opposed to tax breaks for the oil industry to which Bush, Hinckley and other Texans were highly dependent.

    The effort to make Bush Sr. president in 1980 failed; but he and his friend and backer Hinckley Sr. got the next best thing – the "heartbeat away from the presidency" office of Vice-President of the United States.

    A couple months later, Hinckley Jr. shot Reagan, and Bush Sr. very nearly did become president at that time, after all. Curiously, only one time was it announced on the news about the connections between the Bush and Hinckley families: An almost bewildered John Chancellor on NBC Nightly News reported "the bizarre coincidence" that Vice President Bush's son, Neil, and Scott Hinckley had dinner plans for March 31, 1981 -- now cancelled, of course. [But even Chancellor failed to mention the close friendship between the the assassin's father and Vice President Bush--let alone the rest of the corporate media.]

    Reports indicate that the Bush family strove mightily to keep this information from the American people. And some reports list this incredible "coincidence" -- directly linked to the assassination attempt of President Reagan -- as one of the most spiked stories of the last century......"
    #14     Jun 3, 2008
  5. saxon



    I don't think that's the word. I think DISGUSTED is the word.

    Here is a cheap whore carpet bagger, dragging along behind her an ex-president hubby who will surely go down in history as having more thoroughly disgraced himself personally (and the office he occupied) than any president before or after.

    Let's review the facts:

    + Dick sucked by a bimbo in the oval office, not once...not twice...but SEVEN times!

    + Hillary at home, upstairs, while this was going on, not once...not twice...but SEVEN times!

    (a woman might be fooled once or twice...but not SEVEN times!!)

    And YOU want to invite THOSE people back to the White House??

    no way...
    #15     Jun 3, 2008
  6. Self righteous emotionalism, as expected...

    This is about what gives the dems the best shot at taking the white house, not your own personal problems with the Clintons.

    Once again, given people like you, the dems look like they are going to blow it...

    Of course, you helped to get Bush elected by voting for him, supporting him, and defending him...I didn't expect a rational response from you so it is no surprise that you would be foolish enough to not do what it takes to keep McBush out of office.

    If the dems don't put forth the most electable ticket, they will once again prove how stupid they can be...

    The Obama juice sucking dems aren't going to vote for McBush because Hillary is on the ticket, but without Hillary, the center of the country will likely fall again to the right.

    That you focus on Clintons sexual stuff shows how bloody dim you are.

    It has nothing to do with the job, any more than anyone else we hire to do a job.

    #16     Jun 3, 2008
  7. If that works for bill and Hilary who are we to judge

    I would rather have bill getting his freak on in the white house with a good economy,4000 American troops still alive, 20,000+ American troops not injured with their arm and legs blown off or skin burned off 99% of their bodies and 1.20 a gal gasoline and not spending 10 billion American tax dollars a month on a war that kills thousands of American troops and innocent Iraqi citizens
    #17     Jun 3, 2008
  8. The Clintons since of entitlement is appalling. Watching the news this evening makes me want to puke. One way Obama could get my vote is announcing tonight that he has not yet decided who his V.P. will be, but he has decided who it won't be. Hillary Clinton will not be given consideration for the 2nd spot on the ticket. Fat chance of that happening, as it would take more balls than he, or any other politician has got.
    #18     Jun 3, 2008
  9. Pride goes before a fall...

    Hillary would have to swallow her pride to take a VP role, Bill would have to swallow his to be a "first man" to a VP.

    We are talking about people with "president" size egos.

    Will this man swallow his to do the right thing for the party and the country?

    <img src=http://a.abcnews.com/images/Politics/ap_obama_070424_ms.jpg>

    #19     Jun 3, 2008
  10. No way on this planet Obama offers Hillary the VP. Not in Million years.

    It's not wise for a president to have someone as his second that may at some point in their term "upstage," him. Obama knows that the risk for Hillary doing just that is very high.
    #20     Jun 3, 2008