Hillary 2020

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Snarkhund, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Snarkhund


    Yes thats right, Hillary Clinton is considering a late-stage presidential run.

    The next few weeks Hillary is fully booked to appear in media event after media event. There are lots of articles suggesting that she is preparing to run. The Dems don't seem to consider Warren to be electable but somehow Hillary just needs One More Chance and will get it done.

    Just when you thought we were at "peak absurdity"....

    Dems are arguing that Hillary nearly won in 2016 and stands a far better chance than any in the current democrat field. Tony Stark will be along shortly to tell us that "she's got this".

  2. Cuddles


    With Biden out of the way,
  3. elderado


    Absolutely! She should run!!!
  4. DTB2


    is she well hydrated and over the flu yet?
    WeToddDid2 likes this.
  5. Overnight


    I wish I could find that clip of Hillary yelling at a campaign speech back in 2007. If you heard that, you would not want that shrieking banshee in office.
    WeToddDid2 likes this.
  6. And I think she should pick Tim Kaine as her running mate again.

    I am pretty sure that there are at least a dozen people in this country who remember who he is/was- so that's a start right theya. I mean if he is still alive.
    WeToddDid2 and elderado like this.
  7. vanzandt


    You posted a picture of her a while back (month or so) where she was walking around her town with someone.... and I thought it was a joke or someone else she looked so bad. I had to Google it, and it really was her. She looked horrible. I can't find it now though. She looked like a different person.

    Edit: Found it. I don't think legs should look like that on a healthy person. Just doesn't look right. Could be wrong I guess.

    Ayn Rand and Overnight like this.
  8. DTB2


    Sexy AF:cool:
  9. Overnight


    Edema in the legs is a bad sign.
  10. [​IMG]

    #10     Sep 28, 2019
    elderado likes this.