Hijacked Oil Tanker

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    You only started paying attention six months ago then, coz this has been going on for several years.
    #21     Nov 19, 2008
  2. I totally agree. what does it mean to leave them hijack ships again and again and again, talking about advertising weakness.

    Bomb the crap out of them

    EDIT : Indians just did it, destroyed pirates ship. Why the fuck do we have some military installations around the world if they can't deal with that ?
    #22     Nov 19, 2008
  3. Lucrum


    Yes it has and steadily getting worse.
    #23     Nov 19, 2008
  4. Lucrum


    See folks, THIS is how you take care of business.
    #24     Nov 19, 2008
  5. While the above method would be effective, it's just not creative enough. We need to help the auto workers. At first I thought we could have them make the bombs, but I'm not sure they'd make good bombs. Then it hit me,:eek: , Let's drop cars instead of bombs. We take that 25 billion the big 3 are asking for and buy cars from them. Then, we load them up on C-5's, fly over Somalia and drop the cars. It's win/win. AND, for amusement, we could take any captured pirates and have them "buckle up" in one of the cars being dropped.
    It's this kind of creative, think out of the box ingenuity that has made America great. :p
    #25     Nov 19, 2008
  6. TGregg


    The creative ingenuity would be to put it on Pay-Per-View! With a camera in the car.
    #26     Nov 19, 2008
  7. You capitalist bastard...always trying to turn a buck. I love it!:D
    #27     Nov 19, 2008
  8. Just curious why these ship that are carring valuable cargo..oil, tanks, food, etc, just pay a small team of guards to be on board.
    Mount a couple 50 Calibre on each end and sides, then riddle any intruders like swiss cheese. This will be a lot less cost than the ransom would be if captured.
    #28     Nov 20, 2008
  9. Good question, I wondered the same thing. May have something to do with marine insurance.

    Boarding a supertanker at full speed is not an easy task from a small boat either. Apparently the pirates shoot up the bridge of the ship and demand they stop and throw down a ladder. Uhh...just a suggestion but why not hunker down and go full speed ahead and radio for help?

    There may well be good answers to all these questions, but clearly what they are doing isn't working. Put some Blackwater guys on those ships for now with .50's and rocket launchers.
    #29     Nov 20, 2008
  10. TGregg


    That's pretty funny. You can't go around killing "disadvantaged mariners". You have to beg them to surrender then put them up in the Hilton while they await trial. You'll need to provide for their every wish along with top notch legal help. And that's only if you can find a country that'll agree to try them (most won't).
    #30     Nov 20, 2008