Hijacked Oil Tanker

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Got to get oil back to 100 somehow.:p
    #11     Nov 18, 2008
  2. War with Iran should do it.

    #12     Nov 18, 2008
  3. lol. First, the pirates become a bank holding company.
    #13     Nov 18, 2008
  4. TGregg


    BTW, please refrain from using the judgmental "pirates" and use the neutral "disadvantaged mariners". Thank you. People who violate this covenant will be sent to re-education camps once Obama ascends the throne.
    #14     Nov 18, 2008
  5. kut2k2


    ROTFL. Good one!

    This is not our problem, it's the Saudis' problem. Fuck 'em.
    #15     Nov 18, 2008
  6. This story takes me back to the horrendously common airliner hijack stories of the 70's. I always wondered why they negotiated and never could put a stop to it.... I learned that there were just about zero hijackings in Japan and I learned why from an ex- Marine who was in Japan for awhile. He was having a drink in an airport and saw some ninja guys go down the tarmac up behind a plane that was stopped part way down the takeoff path, climb in a hatch under the plane, and then proceed to toss bodies out of the plane which took off on time!!

    Who cares about some shit that the world can't get the political will to take care of? Who really gives a f%^k anymore, it's about the political will in every single situation... I have friends that would condemn the Japanese government for killing those hijackers because anybody involved in violence is guilty of being violent, whether defending or attacking... with people like that around you can never do anything effective without paying out a lot of political capital.. unless, of course, you never tell anybody!!
    #16     Nov 18, 2008
  7. Wallet


    #17     Nov 19, 2008
  8. Lucrum


    #18     Nov 19, 2008
  9. I'm sure there are some radical leftists that would agree.
    The solution is simple. First, you take out whatever shitty little ports that Somalia has. Then you heavily arm the tankers and kill any intruders. Every time there is an attack on a tanker you fly a squadron of B'52's over some Somalia city and indiscriminately carpet bomb it. Repeat until the hi-jacking stops, or they're all dead.
    #19     Nov 19, 2008
  10. lukematt


    What bothers me is that these hijackings only became fashionble recently. Six months ago, we rarely heard anything about pirates and ship hijackings. Now, a new hijacking occurs every week.
    #20     Nov 19, 2008