Highlighting Specific Points In An Article Using Paint

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by DallasCowboysFan, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. I found a news article that I wanted to show my doctor when I visit him in a couple of weeks.

    It relates to numbness in the leg and its relationship to Vitamin B12.

    Which I have....but I eat ( I thought so anyhow) a balanced diet and take vitamins every day. But apparently, it has not been enough.

    I printed out the article, but I wanted to highlight the significant points without circling them with a pen or highlighting them in yellow with a highlighter.

    I tried to copy and paste the article to MSFT Paint 3D and Windows Paint.

    But neither worked.

    I want to be able to highlight specific points in the article with yellow, save the changes and print the article.

    How do I do this?

  2. This is the article.

    I felt like I could have written it myself.

    I am not a vegetarian...by far....I like beef and I like to cook on the grill.

    I had a comprehensive blood test that I had never done before.

    I have had numerous blood tests that measured my glucose, cholesterol, white blood cells, red blood cells.......etc.

    But the neurologist assigned a new blood test for me that measured other levels of which Omega3 and Vitamin B12 were among them.

    The Omega 3 entry said I was only getting 30% of the recommended levels and my B12 was 10%.

    This really surprised me because the standard blood tests always fell within the normal range and I always felt confident that I was doing well with my health.

    The Neurologist prescribed me higher grade Omega3 and B12 supplements and I have been eating fish at least 3X a week, even if I have to eat tuna straight from those little foil packs.

    I should be much better, but I my left leg and left foot are still numb.

    But I was going to take him the article to show him that what he told me is identical to what this woman was complaining about.

    I just want to figure out how to do it professionally instead of being tacky with a pen etc..
