High Yield Investment Programs

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Walker, Feb 26, 2003.

  1. nitro


    Can I give you a P.O Box?

    #11     Mar 3, 2003
  2. In Turkey ...
    #12     Mar 3, 2003
  3. Walker


    So, no magic there...? :)

    I want to thank those, who put their constructive opinions, observations, links and I have very easy question.

    I am from East Europe and I thought, that those "investing scams" are problem just in our, post-comunist part of the world..!
    Most of people here don't have any idea, how the financial systems work. What is possible and what isnt.It is much better now, because people got painful lessons ( wow!! look at that!! 30% per year, let put all our money in it!...)

    I though, that in country like US, where is law even for low priority cases (for example, you can't present trades or track record of chat room, if you don't have a special status for SEC and many like that), so I thought, that there are all forms of investment under high control!!!

    If all of it is a scam and they just steal money from people, why there are still large quantity of web pages, discussions groups (at Yahoo, etc) and huge crowd of people put money in it!? Why there are not lawsuits all around?

    Can anybody explain?

    Thank you :)
    #13     Mar 4, 2003
  4. Please send the check (or wire) to my bank. It is the Royal Imperial Bank of Nigeria. :cool:
    #14     Mar 4, 2003