I'm trying to find a day trading strategy that fits my temperment and personality. I would genuinely appreciate any assistance you can provide. I would like to average two trades a day and net 3% per day. Please describe the highest probability setup method and any software used (if applicable) to achieve this goal.
Forget about the 3% (that type of number applied to Investment Challenge winners during the internet craze). 1-2% is more realistic in either a short or long strategy.
The following link should point you in the right direction. It is highly recommended to use the enhanced site which requires a Flash 5 plugin. http://www.tridian.com/cthe/montypython/
ugz, I would like to average two trades a day and net 3% per day...Forget about the 3% (that type of number applied to Investment Challenge winners during the internet craze). 1-2% is more realistic in either a short or long strategy. Before you work on a strategy I suggest you adjust your expectations downward. Drastically. Let's take the low end of your range, that being a mere 1% per day. If you can somehow keep that up throughout the trading year, with the power of compounding you will have a return of an astounding 1,103% for that year! Highly unlikely, eh? tom, LOL, too much.
Translation: Can someone please tell me how to easily become a millionaire this coming year...Thanks and I'll be waiting for the answer! LOL
better translation: I am sitting on my hands with nothing to do today, so I'm just gonna post a troll on the board and see how many suckers will post follow ups.
Lets see, you want someone to give you an easy way to make two trades per day, and you only want to net 3%?? Ill try for something a little easier. Could a couple of readers please wire $2 Million dollars into my trading account by noon tomorrow?? However, to be fair, Id like to limit this offer to the first 3 people to respond. Everyone after the first three, Ill simply return the wire. In all seriousness, If someone posts a method for 1.00% per day, and it works, you will be able to nickname it the "Golden Goose". Ive been trading for 4 years, and I think there are a couple of days per month, where the market trends really hard, and returns of 3%+ can be made. If I average 0.5-1.0% on the other days, Im thrilled.