High Muscle Strength Drops Cancer Chances by 30%

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I probably wouldn't get caught up too much on the muscle part of the equation. There was another study done that concluded that intense resistance training floods the body with all sorts of cancer fighting chemicals. So the increased muscle mass and strength are really just by-products of the regular resistance training. But to answer your question, I think that increased muscle mass only becomes unhealthy when the ability of the muscle to contract exceeds the ability of the surrounding tendons and ligaments to support it, which results in tearing something that requires surgery. That's why I'm not really a big fan of 1RM training.
    #21     Nov 29, 2017
  2. While I agree that lifting heavy weights makes people good at lifting heavy weights, I suspect that injuries to connective tissue stemming from 1RM lifts have more to do with poor form and momentum rather than the strengthening of muscle beyond the capacity of adjoining tendons and such. That and the fact that people who ingest steroids have weakened tendons:



    Regardless, I share your aversion to 1RM training.
    #22     Nov 29, 2017
  3. Cuddles


    Unfortunately, those anomalities are pretty common... Arthritis, degenerative cartilage disease, osteoporosis, plain old throwing ones back, etc..

    Training to ones genetic potential is a sure way to cause yourself a lot of pain in your old days.
    #23     Nov 29, 2017
  4. I would think that a properly designed strength training program would be beneficial because it would delay the effects of aging.
    Perhaps you are referring to overtraining?


    Also, please note that I was not talking about competitive sports performance. Rather, I was referring to natural genetic potential as it relates to general strength and body composition.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    #24     Nov 30, 2017
  5. lovethetrade

    lovethetrade Guest

    This has been known for quite a few years now.

    Not only does muscle starve cancer cells of insulin, strength training is also very important for maintaining balanced hormone production as we age which i suspect is also a major reason why people get certain types of cancer.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2017
    #25     Nov 30, 2017
  6. Be careful: the guy in the video does not talk about insulin, he talks about insulin sensitivity. And he emphasises, both at the beginning and the end, that insulin sensitivity is mainly driven by nutrition partitioning. He does mention, halfway during the video, that being muscular has an additional benefit. But nutrition partitioning (i.e. diet, what/when and how much you eat) is the dominant influencer, in his explanation.
    #26     Nov 30, 2017
  7. As I understand it, high intensity training depletes the muscles of glycogen, a sugar, which muscles use as energy for short bursts of high effort. Therefore, that "sugar" must be replenished and so the food that is converted to sugar in your body goes to replenish those glycogen stores in your muscles. As a result, the body needs less insulin. When the body is not sufficiently active with adequate intensity, the glycogen largely remains in the muscle, so less is required and absorbed. Therefore, all else being equal, the body will then require more insulin to deal with whatever excess sugar there may be in the bloodstream.

    Bottom line: the more muscle you have and the harder you train it (but not to excess), the higher will be your insulin sensitivity, which is a good thing since, among other things, insulin encourages fat storage. Further, muscle is metabolically expensive. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest, which further helps with weight control. Maximizing your body's natural capacity for muscle is a good thing; it's a no-brainer.

    As for nutrition, you can't outrun a bad diet.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    #27     Nov 30, 2017
  8. This is indeed the often-heard line of thinking in the bodybuilding world. However, in the medical world is another way of looking at the topic becoming more and more prevalent. One example can be found here:

    Although the video focuses on people with type 2 diabetes, the same applies to anybody who has overweight.
    Roughly speaking she says that you need high insulin sensitivity in order to get a low insulin level, which in turn leads to low glucose level in the blood. Having a high insulin sensitivity makes that your body efficiently absorbs any nutrition when you do eat a meal.
    #28     Nov 30, 2017
  9. Nothing in your post or video is inconsistent with what I wrote in my post. But the speaker should also have talked about exercise. Because, all else being equal, exercise, especially the intense variety, will help increase insulin sensitivity as a result of the glycogen depletion from the muscles.
    #29     Dec 1, 2017
  10. Have you got anything for me to read about this? It is new to me that glycogen depletion causes improved insulin sensitivity.
    #30     Dec 2, 2017