He's not even in office yet, but Obama is just "like Lincoln and FDR" put together!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, Nov 8, 2008.

  1. some more brilliance from the left.. oh the light... It's so bright I can't see anything else...

    So the Obama age is dragging on, grinding out the days.... is in day what... today is the 9th, election was the 4th, 9 take away 4 is 5 [glad I went to a conservative school, i can do the math]... okay, the 5th day and so far has taken about a thousand points out of the DOW... but street people are happy anyhow, he is going to pay their rent, car payment, fuel.... LOL. He is not going to do shit for anybody, Socialism was invented to replace Christianity and it always destroys what it touches... LOL
    #21     Nov 9, 2008
  2. TGregg


    Obama is a political bubble.

    How big will it get? What happens when it bursts? Don't know, but it won't be pretty.
    #22     Nov 10, 2008

  3. could be right, but we're still trying to clean up the 8 year bursting of your bubble. when you can say the same then you can talk.
    #23     Nov 10, 2008
  4. You may be right, but it won't be nearly as bad as the Bush Bubble bursting right after his 95% approval rating following 9/11.

    #24     Nov 10, 2008