Here's why the Fed sucks...

Discussion in 'Trading' started by PohPoh, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. Where was the transparency?
    Look at the Fedspeak a few weeks prior to the announcement...any leading indicators of a greater cut than market expectations??

    Looks like deliberate obfuscation to me...
  2. "The value of our Dollar and the level of our interest rates should not be determined by a small group of elitists meeting secretly in a marble palace"

    - Ron Paul (R)

    Vote Ron Paul 2008!!
  3. although I like Ron Paul I also like making money. Should ron paul gain too much headway and become a front runner th market may sell off.
  4. Your money aint worth shit...and it's getting shittier and shittier...
    US Dollar is a pile of crap and I hate it...
  5. deity


    Fed.. central bank lackey
  6. Errr..
    Ron Paul is the most educated politician I have listen to speak about the markets..
    He has vast understanding and knowledge of economics and history...

    Yeah, but you lost XX,XXX in 2 days when the markets dumped last month...and net net, you lose more, because the dollar has fallen 3% since then...