Here's real verifiable proof 90% lose

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by Dissident, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Did you see LANAI LTD. 353,908.53 to 14,187,096.90 :)
    #41     Apr 30, 2009
  2. :-( I fit your generalization.
    #42     Apr 30, 2009
  3. Spoken by someone that has been relegated to a "prop" poster for ET. :D
    #43     Apr 30, 2009
  4. bespoke


    aw if only they included the person's ET handle too...
    #44     Apr 30, 2009
  5. Not enough ink to print the losers versus the winner
    #45     Apr 30, 2009
  6. ShawnS


    This list is actually encouraging to me that theres some making as much money as they are.

    90% of people failing at something is true for pretty much anything thats worth doing. The one's that fail just aren't into it enough to stick it out for the long haul.

    You can't fail at anything if you dont give up:D
    #46     Apr 30, 2009
  7. Except if you run out of money.

    "no NYOBScalper, if you run out of money you can get a job and save up and go back to it..."

    Not that easy. Living is expensive. There is limited time to succeed. I've seen so many guys with talent and potential get washed out from having a few bad months... not because they're poor risk managers, or because they don't know what a setup is, or because they were undisciplined, but because the true learning curve length was longer than they could afford. I don't mean the learning curve to be able to have net pos months/years... I mean being able to get through the tough times. That takes years to master.
    #47     Apr 30, 2009
  8. Cheese


    All that you write is valid. Failure is the adhesive of society; it is the common ground. Most have to make do as employees. Failure and fantasy is the moving picture of ET. Even the few who make themselves into big money have known setbacks before and during their march to great success.
    #48     May 1, 2009
  9. ShawnS


    You dont need money to learn how to trade. You can practice on a demo account. No matter what anyone says about demo accounts not being the same as real accounts, you will still learn more on demo than with no practice at all. Or you can open a small account. $200 will open you a micro forex account. No one should be trading with any significant money until theyve proved they can trade with a small account anyway. And you can have a job and learn to trade at the same time if you really want it.

    My point is if you have enough passion for anything, you wont give up at it. I got into trading like most other people, thinking I'll get rich quick. Now I'm very aware that it may take a lot longer than I thought, but I know I'll keep at it until I get it. Even if it does take years
    #49     May 1, 2009
  10. EricP


    Not sure if anyone else noticed, but a prominent former Pristine trainer is listed and was apparently a consistent loser in his Tuco trading. An ET search for this guy's name will yield a positive recommendation for his set of 3 training DVD's, for example. This guy has probably taught 50-100+ seminars, and yet is shown to be a net loser in his own trading.

    I hope that new traders that are considering doing business with Oliver Velez, VCM, Pristine, etc. will recognize that smooth talking does not in any way mean that the content is worthwhile.
    #50     May 1, 2009