Here's How Bad Vegas Is - Don't Let the 'Green Shoot' Crowd Bullshit You

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ByLoSellHi, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. Agreed, they are all a few bad weeks away from going under.

    Just surprised how quickly the crowds came back after the brutal winter months. Guess people will keep spending as long as their credit cards will allow them to.
    #51     Jul 16, 2009
  2. new$


    #52     Jul 16, 2009
  3. I have no doubt AC was packed full of people when you were there, as you say.

    The busiest time for the casinos, at least in LV, according to a concierge I spoke with, is Memorial Day Weekend - we got stuck there after an ICSC convention because of a very bad string of bad luck with Northwest Airlines, and the people coming in from all over on that Friday to Bellagio was amazing.

    This year, I'm not sure how busy they were, as we left in advance, as usual.

    But the table game revenue is way down, the restaurant average ticket is about 40% off, and more heavy discounts are being offered.

    The most conspicuous thing I noticed was that I didn't see anyone betting crazy at night, after business was concluded. Two years ago, there were guys betting 10k a hand on blackjack tables, splitting, and doubling down. There was a guy stuck nearly 40k on a craps table (and he came back to win 130k - I saw it unfold in front of me at Bellagio).

    There were no big bets, and even the parties sucked this year compared to the past 5 years.

    And then attendance at the convention was way down - maybe 1/3 of what it was in the peak year, which was probably 2006.
    #53     Jul 16, 2009

  4. The article clearly states-

    ""He regularly tipped Bellagio dealers $1 million. All 700 dealers would get a cut,"

    That's $1400 per dealer, a far cry from the $30,000 per dealer that peilthebullshitter said.
    #54     Jul 16, 2009
  5. Very good point.

    Although the tables were mobbed, I didn't see the usual bigtime action being played. Alot of table minimum bets and a few medium size players but no big players.
    #55     Jul 16, 2009
  6. i saw a $2 table craps in vegas next to circus circus casino
    It had only 1 table few black jack table and few machine
    I Think it was opposite Riveria casino
    I really enjoyed playing
    I want to go to vegas in jan but i am not sure if that $2 craps will still be there
    It was really funn playing there : - )
    #56     Jul 16, 2009
  7. Appreciate the comments. I was the one in the family that got caught up in the early 80's, big houses, BMW's etc. too much partying as we called it, LOL. By the 90's is was more like kids and Volvo's, LOL. Enjoyed the "excesses" of playing blackjack, full comped at nice places, but that didn't last too long (for obvious reasons, we we got a good year or two of trips and fun).

    I get your point, whether it's business, trading, or employment, the risks have to be understood, we all have to realize that there is no "backstop" or "do overs." - Keep things in proper perspective. And EDUCATE our KIDS.

    This decade, enjoyed playing the World Poker Tour in Paris, WSOP here in Vegas, and watching my grandkids. I take my son and his wife and my grandson to places like Laughlin, Stateliine, Mesquite (where I can usually play without being barred, as long as I don't bet over $200 or something, usually pays off).

    I know people find it hard to believe, but this is one reason that I actually enjoy travelling around the Country doing my liitle dinner workshops, meeting with traders and other Firms.... nice to part of this Industry (the good part, not the jackals we see on TV).

    Again I ramble, all the best to everyone. Come visit Vegas, much cheaper these days, LOL.

    #57     Jul 17, 2009
  8. You can find smaller games around, they will not go away. What happens is that, for obbious reasons, they up the table minimums when they are too full, and lower when they need players..simply good business.

    They are starting to have cool mechanical blackjack dealers now, a bit weird, but kinda cool.

    #58     Jul 17, 2009
  9. TraDaToR



    If there is one category of person that should really be paid high salaries, it's them.

    They are accepting to do the most tiring job, often in really bad social conditions, while sometimes risking their life and in the end dying earlier than us because they worked their asses off...

    My college years were the most unproductive thing I did in my life and I made no effort at all going through it. If I had known trading before entering university, I would not have gone. I simply did because I had nothing else to do with my life. I am almost ashamed of it now...It would be horrible if one's success was solely based on his capacity to do exactly what he has been told to.

    And in fact salaries have nothing to do with a reward at any level. The higher you get in money the less work is involved. You have got one self made man that create 3 generations of semi unemployed losers that wait for interest rates and dividends...While on the other side Main Street continues to build them homes for a laughable pay and hypothetical retirement...
    #59     Jul 17, 2009
    #60     Jul 22, 2009