Here Is What Louisiana Schoolchildren Learn About Evolution

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. stu


    Oh really.

    You think throwing red herrings like that is good reason to teach myth in school as science.
    And you're not anti science. Lol. sure.
    Just anti enough to support a bunch of crazy creationists make yet another mess in Louisiana.
    #21     Nov 28, 2012
  2. Lucrum


    Yes, really. Why must I keep repeating myself? Do you need me to use a larger font?
    #22     Nov 28, 2012
  3. stu


    So why do you keep repeating yourself?
    If you can't progress from the flawed reasoning of science is wrong so teach myth as science, why post at all?
    It isn't as if you don't spend just about all day every day posting a ton of similar fluff all over the place anyway.
    #23     Nov 28, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    Don't be stuPID. I did not say science IS wrong. I said science has been wrong over and over in the past.
    Ergo many theories accepted today as "fact" will be known as flawed theories at some point in the future.
    You're an arrogant condescending prick desperate to convince yourself and anyone willing to listen there is no God. Maybe you're right, maybe not. I don't know. So I'm OK with both being taught to our kids. Don't like it? Go fuck yourself.
    #24     Nov 28, 2012
  5. stu


    "I did not say science IS wrong. I said science has been wrong.."
    What, you mean like " I'm not a birther but where's Obama's birth certificate"

    Same goes with mathematical theory. So no doubt you'll be ok with teaching creationism in math class. Are you trying to sound as ridiculous as you can? Really?
    No need to repeat yourself. Yes you really are.

    Oh well done. How eloquent. I touched a nerve. Probably shouldn't have mentioned your OCD posting in ET with which you're clearly trying to convince fuck knows who. Obviously triggered that off.
    You can't discuss why you're ok with non-scientific creationist bullshit being taught to kids as science without going incandescent with rage.

    Now you're just sounding like a frustrated closet creationist.
    #25     Nov 28, 2012
  6. Science has evolved as new and better ways to measure and research that which surrounds us. Computers have us a giant leap in everything from math to biology. Man has evolved, yes, all of us, not just those who believe in the facts surrounding evolution.

    I have no problem with having Faith, and don't really mind allowing churches to teach their gospel. Not too sure I like this being taught with Federal dollars however. And to aim one's ire at Muslims, just because their form of Religion is different from what most of us have been exposed to, is rather small minded IMO.

    There are a lot of great stories in the bible, as I'm sure there are in the Koran and other texts. Think of them as being a way to view our own evolution, and some of our only view into the last few thousand years. BUT, don't discount Science that shows us the existence of mankind going back 100's of thousands of years.
    #26     Nov 28, 2012
  7. Lucrum


    Now you're just sounding like an arrogant condescending jack wagon desperate to believe in something no one really knows for sure. Are you trying to "convert" me? I'm certainly not trying to convince/convert you. I don't care what you believe. I don't care if you're going to Hell. IF there is such a place, I'll see you there. IF not, great. I actually hope "science" is right. What part of that don't you get?
    #27     Nov 28, 2012
  8. stu


    What's your point, mrbill?
    I have no problem with people having a religious faith. Never have. But it doesn't belong in a science class. It is deceitful to do that. Creationism and religion isn't science. It's fundamentally opposite.
    Just to be clear, I agree. It was very small minded of the poster who flew off the handle in regards to Muslims.

    But are you suggesting imaginary beliefs should have equal weight to scientific knowledge of the physical universe.

    Newton and Einstein equating to Mother Goose in school? In class?
    #28     Nov 28, 2012
  9. Hmm, not at all. I am not a bible thumper, and don't think we should teach creationism in our public schools, period. I may have to re-read what I wrote. I was pointing out, however, that much of our history was recorded by theologians, thus the continuation of so much Faith in our churches.
    #29     Nov 28, 2012
  10. stu


    You're too angry. I get that. Though I couldn't give a fuck what you do or don't do. Why should I. You're a compulsive troll who can't reasonably discuss an issue .
    Hope that helps.
    #30     Nov 28, 2012