Here is the Universe you are living in

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Jack.Yarn, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. When does the simulation end? When we realize we are in a simulation.

  2. What the first technological advance brought, once we understood that a bone is not just a bone, without the moral maturity to handle it.

  3. It's so hard to find good videos on the theories on the different approaches to building viable Quantum Computers. One very interesting approach, different than DWAVE's, is the Topological Quantum Computer.

    People should understand several principles of a quantum system to make this stuff more like science and less like magic. These are a good place to start.

    • Entanglement
    • Tunneling
    • Decoherence

    Keep in mind, in all these attempts, you need some way to maintain the Quantum State of the system which means you cannot "observer it", and at the same time be fault tolerant to errors. This means quantum error correction coding theory. That seems bizarre because at first you would think you would have to observe the system to see if a [q]bit has been corrupted by noise and therefore a faulty state. But it turns out you don't!!!!!!!

    I can't claim this is the best video on TQCs, but at least I can follow it. This stuff is so cutting edge, and based on so much other work that rarely do you get all the pieces in one video. But let's plow forward anyway.

    A key idea is non-abelian anyons. Something else you might want to look up.

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
  4. One thing that has puzzled me is, if Quantum Computers exist in the future which with near certainty they do, why have they not communicated from the future with our scientists , on how to build them? Darwin's head is exploding. Fitness running backwards!

    One theory is that time travel is only possible from the moment you invent the first time machine. Once we have a quantum computer of a certain capacity, we may be contacted from the future :confused:
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017