Here is the true story about the vaccine (hint: It was not Pfizer)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DiceAreCast, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. wrbtrader


  2. I posted it in politics on purpose. Because my intent was to inform and provide evidence that the common belief that the vaccine originated in the US is dead wrong. And neither the left nor the right in the US financed the research. Instead the left and right were too busy attacking each other, rather than focusing on the currently absolutely most important issue at hand.

  3. wrbtrader


    You should provide info light that with your message posts so that people know its really about politics.

    Yet, I am under the impression that people know that Pfizer is a German pharma company. There's other vaccination research firms out there too like Pfizer that are in Phase 1, 2 or 3 that are not American companies nor part of Operation Warp Speed.

    Regardless, I understand now why you posted it there. Thanks for the clarification.

  4. Pfizer is not a German pharmaceutical. And no other pharmaceutical in the world (including Pfizer) is anywhere near a vaccine, especially not anywhere near the claimed rate of success by BioNTech. It's disingenuous by all the US media to pretend as if the vaccine came out of Pfizer. Who controls the media? Do those who control the media have any bias towards Germany? Questions that probably anyone can answer for themselves...