I am a very satisfied user of your service and I have come accross some romors about the canceletion of your service. If this is so, I need to refer you to the Elite Trader Boards ( http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=3 ) where we have unanimously agreed that we are willing to pay more for your service than to see it end. I for one would not mind paying $100 a month for the Premium Realtime I have now. This is how satisfied and dependant I have come to be with this service. I have tried all of them and yours is by far the best out there. Thank you, CartelTrader -------------------------------- Hello CartelTrader: We are glad you have been happy with our service. I have forwarded your e-mail to the person at Intuit responsible for the shut down. I have kept an eye on the elitetrader.com boards and have noticed the many fine things said about Quicken Quotes Live and the desire of yourself and others to keep the service running. These have also been forwarded to management. They made this decision as a result of a change in product strategy. Hopefully your letter and others like it will persuade them to change their minds. As of now, Intuit is proceeding with the shutdown. Sincerely, Steve Quicken Quotes Live support. Please include previous messages with your response.