Here is a list of accomplishments we have in Iraq

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Dec 21, 2003.

  1. You see Saddam as having been a bigger threat than Kim of North Korea?

    I don't agree.

    #41     Dec 22, 2003
  2. "Wahabis want your day trading ass!! And you know what, they may get it. Why? Because Europe and the U.S. will cave and appease and then some day be annihilated.

    "You guy's don't get it. Forget WMD's, liberation, democracy. Think pseudo-genocidal war against wahabism.

    Pabst, you are more insightful than anyone on this board.

    Obviously, for all of those Americans (70% or so) who thought that Saddam Hussein was behind the 911 attacks, the concept of WAHABISM is something that is totally out of their breadth of comprehension. The citizens of the USA need to take some history courses. There is no doubt about it!
    #42     Dec 22, 2003
  3. ElCubano


    they didnt think they were told and they may have been told this information to have the wool pulled over their eyes for something Bigger ( like PABST pointed out )...we are trying to think for ourselves and not like sheep do...thats all....believe me; I am a product of the biggest brainwashing system to ever set foot on this planet....oh boy was I wrong....peace
    #43     Dec 22, 2003
  4. I also want to see much more done in so far as our BORDER and PORT security is concerned.

    Thus far, the Office of Homeland Security is an underfunded joke and I hold Congress and GW accountable for that.

    I would also like to see our military "reservists" ( that make up half of our military these days ) treated with a lot more financial respect.

    There is no reason that these proud men and women that serve our military should be faced with filing for Bankruptcy because the long tours of duty that they have served have prevented them the kind of pay that they need to keep up with their bills and support their families back home.
    #44     Dec 22, 2003

  5. So few words, so much truth.

    Cubano, you don't know who the enemy is? What are you doing on this thread then amigo?

    You're not sure whether you feel safer? That's not surprising, you don't even know who the enemy is.

    Listen, do yourself a favor and pick up a book called American Jihad, by Steve Emerson. In it you will find details of just how widespread Islamist terror cells are in the US; especially before 911 made people wake up and pay attention.
    The ability of 'charity' organizations to channel money to the terror organizations they act as fronts for -- Hammas, Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad etc -- has been severley curtailed in the last couple of years. The ability of mosques and Islamic organizations to act as recruitment agencies for would be terrorists, severley curtailed.

    Are you aware of how the WTC '93 (not '91, Mav) was planned inside the US, by US citizens? Are you living in some kind of a dream world? This shit is taking place right on your door step.

    Are you aware that organizations claiming to be the voice of Islam in America, like CAIR (council for american islamic relations), whom the mindless media turns to for soundbites and a 'balanced' view, have intimate ties with outlawed terrorist organizations?

    Knowing that the authorities are now keenly aware of all this; knowing they now have the powers to act to prevent further terrorist activity that they previously didn't, and are hard at work doing so, don't you feel safer? Why in the world wouldn't you?
    #45     Dec 22, 2003
  6. ElCubano


    Thank you ...finally someone admits going to WAR with Iraq may not have been the correct path to fighting terrorism...please go back and read my posts and get with the program go back as far as you want; even to other threads if need be....why are we not safer??? Most of our capital and military are fighting the wrong fucking war...stop being a sheep and stop believing everything you read.....I have been preaching this WAR ( WAR against TERRORISM )should be fought here not 8000 miles away....the border, intelligence....some of you are clueless thinking that our taxpayer money is going to fight terrorism when in fact its going to rebuild a country that may still be the same once we turn over the keys......peace
    #46     Dec 23, 2003

  7. Sorry Cubano, I wasn't admitting going to war with Iraq wasn't the 'correct' path. Actually, you're half right. I admit that it's possible it wasn't the best choice (as distinct from being the 'correct' choice). However, we don't live in a world of perfect information, and given what we knew then, and given what we know now, I definitely still lean on the side that it was a good decision.

    The war is taking place simultaneously within America and abroad. It's not an either/or.

    I don't know how much more simple it can get, Saddam's was vehemently anti-US smack bang in the middle of a vehemently anti-US region of the world, fed and fueled by a vehemently anti-US religion (apologetics notwithstanding). In short: a ticking timebomb.

    Islamic militantism isn't sleeping. It doesn't consider 911 its final accomplishment. It is a mass movement; gaining ever more popularity. Abroad and, frighteningly, within the US.

    The west, and US in particular, needs to do everything it can to subdue this threat before it gains in strength anymore. Installing a US friendly regime in Iraq would both alleviate the threat from future co-operation -- in an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of way -- between Saddam and Islamists as well as provide a deterrant, as did Afghanistan, to other terror hopefuls (witness Libya coming forward) as well as, and this the most wishful thinking, provide an example of how to build a successful capitalist -- and not necessarily 'democratic', by our standards -- society in the middle east.

    It is savagely unfortunate that this had to be achieved with loss of human life. And although I totally disagree with those who cannot accept loss of life for the greater future good, who cannot accept that sometimes the ends really do justify the means, at least to some extent, I can understand that they feel that way. However, in my estimate, they are wrong.
    #47     Dec 23, 2003
  8. ElCubano


    I am not bashing Bush or any poilitcal side for that matter...I am just asking if this was or is the way we wanted to go with this...Can we actually accomplish restoring IRAQ or will it remain as divided as ever ( chaos ) ... because as some of you have pointed out this may have been the larger scheme of things ( getting a foothold in the Middle East )......this may be something we have underestimated specially in IRAQ ( 15 million SHIITE ;5 million SUNNI; 4 Million KURDS ) ...believe you me, there will be a power struggle for years to come this where our funds and most of our mitlitary should be focused on ???( restoring peace to IRAQ )

    something to think about.....
    #48     Dec 23, 2003
  9. Another accomplishment in Iraq is that Abu Nidal is dead. That alone should make some people safer.
    #49     Dec 23, 2003
  10. It is has been OVER 2 years since 911 and we still do not screen our AIR CARGO.

    We can spend $87 Billion dollars on reconstructing IRAQ, but we haven't spent one freaking dollar on screening Air Cargo!

    Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, on Monday called for the Bush administration to step up screening of cargo that is transported on commercial jets, calling it "the most obvious remaining hole in our aviation security system."

    "As a routine matter, commercial cargo is not physically screened by anyone, even when it is carried on passenger planes," he said.

    #50     Dec 23, 2003