Here Comes The US VAT Tax....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Sep 30, 2009.


    The expected VAT impact on general US economics ?

    Saves the dollar ? Or not ?

    The beginning of a consumption tax only ? Or just additive ?

    The name of the tax ? ORAT ?

    O bama
    R ebuild
    A merica
    T ax

    Why does the govt. not shrink 50% ?
  2. Probably for the same reason you don't cut off half of your wee-wee. :D

    In spite of raising taxes (and as much as it pains me to say ANYTHING positive about a Libtard), have to give Clinton props for at least trying to pare back the size of government...
  3. The level of overall taxation (government tax revenues as a % of GDP) is comparably low in the US. I think around 8-9% points lower than in Europe. Plenty of room for tax hikes :cool:
  4. Well now....

    No need to worry....

    It will just be temporary....

    It will only be there as long
    as it is "actually needed"....


    For just 200 years or so....


    However this will seal
    a one term pres....
  5. Tough room. I thought for sure I'd get a "LOL" out of this.. :D
  6. ................................................

    Well now....there is a simple explanation....

    "Whores" do not have dicks....

    Thus "polys" do not care....
  7. ..........................................

    Volcker is why VAT will pass....

    Again the question....

    Why does the govt. not dramatically does the economy....?

    This is the one occasion where respect for Volcker is not on the upside....

    Hopefully it is "age" thing....
  8. If government downsizes significantly, what does that do for unemployment? There aren't enough jobs now.

    So does that mean we are FOREVER (or as long as the world tolerates our profligate ways) going to have bloated government payrolls just because they couldn't find jobs in the private sector?

    And the ever dwindling number of "producers" have to support an ever growing number of "parasites" (government employees)?

    Is the solution to everything always bigger government spending/deficits, more government employees, higher taxes...?

    Why can't the solution ever be "downsize the government"??? :mad:
  9. ................................................

    One does not have to go far away to see this in action....

    ie 4000 employees when only 200 are needed....

    This is why elections get very have the right have a job....

    You don't....then you don't....

    In fact....getting a govt. office will be the only place that there is any money in the economy....getting in govt. office is like winning the lotto....

    Just call it ....getting bananafied....

    Not bonified...."BANANAFIED"....
    #10     Sep 30, 2009