Here Comes The Shaft

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ByLoSellHi, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Mecro


    It has more to do with the entity that is set up via this bailout and its powers. And once set up, it is legislated in, and near impossible to get rid of.

    I don't see any changes in the structure, so if the revised plan is passed, IT"S OVER. Like say bye bye America, over. Like get the f**k outta Dodge, over.
    #31     Oct 1, 2008
  2. There's not much being presented in this thread I disagree with.

    It is sad that there really is this 'Globalist' march to enslave free-willed people all over the world, via the use of employment, credit and standards of living. This is what manifested itself when LIBOR rates soared due to the initial rejection of the 'bailout' legislation.

    By enslave, I do not mean in the ways we commonly perceive that term, as the chains are figurative.

    But we will all have far fewer freedoms, economically and otherwise. And so will our children.

    Even those who never believed in a 'New World Order' and the march of the Globalists can see the tip of the spear now - where the monied masters in Europe, Asia and the United States have more in common with each other than they do to anyone sharing their nationality.

    Borders no longer matter in the world of commerce and in the decisions being made that affect us all.

    Now we'll really see how it feels to be stripped of the old luxury that your parents or grandparents had - where government acted on behalf of its citizenry's best interests, and where human beings weren't viewed as cheap tools of production and bargaining chips.

    Congress and the Presidency are illusions to keep you wed to your quaint notions that you're actually affecting anything by casting your vote.

    That mirage is the only thing that is keeping the process of globalization alive.
    #32     Oct 1, 2008
  3. I rarely watch Cspan, but this morning I happened to catch two callers. Both were angry and against the bailout. Both were articulate and they both understood that the country had been sold out to globalists. These views are widely held by thoughtful and articulate people, but the MSM is all about propaganda. As I write this post, Warren Buffet is using the open phone that is extended for BEGGING billionaires. Yesterday, it was T Boone Pickens speaking for Joe Six Pack, today it was Warren Buffet.
    #33     Oct 1, 2008
  4. #34     Oct 1, 2008
  5. Is that democracy?

    Is that not UNBELIEVABLE???
    #35     Oct 1, 2008
  6. bit


    By the Power of NATIONAL SECURITY!
    #36     Oct 1, 2008
  7. Just early this morning, I have created the ideal solution to this epidemic crisis we have in our finacial markets, and it goes like this...

    by executive order, immediately and henceforth, all financial institutions holding any mortgage-related assets of any stripe, shall be able to take the last line-item on their P&L statement, and, if a loss, it will be INVERTED, to show a profit!

    In addition, those entities holding 'the other side of the trades', that are showing profits as a result of any mortgage-related derivatives or otherwise, shall be compelled to likewise invert their P&L, thereby assuming a loss, where before existed a profit.

    This will allow all the losers to immediately become winners, and presumably be holding 'good assets', (as those assets now carry the 'inversion capability'), and those that are winners to be losers, as thier holdings will now be losers!

    Voile'! Problem solved!
    #37     Oct 1, 2008
  8. #39     Oct 1, 2008
  9. Markets up huge yesterday. Like it or not, a new version of the bill will pass with added tax payer protection.
    #40     Oct 1, 2008