Here Comes The Shaft

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ByLoSellHi, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. There is NO daylight between them, and the Senate is the den of treacherous power and ambition, which is reflected in the Presidential candidates, Barry and the intemperate old geezer.

    But what is going on the in House is QUITE incredible. They are really trying to find some daylight. When Dennis Kucinich PRAISES any Republican it is a remarkable event. He publicly praised ALL the Republicans who voted against the bill.

    The left and right are very much opposed to this bailout for completely different reasons. But it is the hand wringing fear mongering in the so-called middle of both parties who WANT NOTHING but to maintain the status quo, that want to pass this bill.

    And of course, the status quo has its own propaganda machine which we refer to as the Mainstream Media.

    It is now ALL about drinking your party leaders Kool-Aid.

    The reason the bill did not pass in the first place was, Pelosi quite rightly feared if enough Republicans did not get on aboard, it would be perceived as a Democrat bill if it passed. Which gets back to your original premise, that there is no light between the two major political parties. The perception of partisan allows voters see a difference between the parties even if that is a distinction with little significance.

    If this bill passes the American people are going to very very angry, and with election day so close, chances are the anger will be taken to the polls.

    The politics are fascinating and it is hard to believe that a bill proposed and backed by Bush and his administration could be perceived as a Democrat bill.

    But on Monday it would have taken roughly 2/3 of house Democrats to pass the bill. In that sense, I doubt the math has changed much.
    #11     Oct 1, 2008
  2. Its not about incompetence. Its about thievery.
    #12     Oct 1, 2008
    #13     Oct 1, 2008
  4. Here's the solution....

    Since approximately 50% are democraps and love socialism.....

    And since approximately 50% are republican'ts and love capitalism....

    The answer is very simple....

    Develop a modern Mason Dixon Line between the democraps and republican"ts.....


    Each side will be like two separate countries....having their own sovereignty and laws...

    Then everybody will be truly happy....

    However in another 10 years ....the democrap side will be like another Haiti...and the republican'ts will be the USA of old....

    Perfect solution.....
    #15     Oct 1, 2008

  5. Exactly - these are not stupid people we're talking about. I would see it as an intentional theft before I saw it as a "blunder". I mean, if they were that incompetent, they would sometimes make mistakes in YOUR favor, wouldn't they?
    #16     Oct 1, 2008
  6. gnome


    Where can we vote for this? Better still, put BOTH OF THEM ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE LINE.. and let them stroke each other...

    Leaving the other side for REAL AMERICANS... LIBERTARIANS!!!!
    #17     Oct 1, 2008
  7. it's another lobbyist feedback loop, like AIPAC

    they're almost indefeatable, because the public is trying to compete against money consfiscated from it
    #18     Oct 1, 2008
  8. Isn't this what the global bank cartel has been doing for decades? They are creating a crisis to get extra power in their globalist plan. Remember, the whole point of putting the bailout onto the treasury is because it will be backed up with taxpayer money. Once this thing goes through, we will be swindled into bellieving that taxes need to rise to help the economy.
    #19     Oct 1, 2008
  9. Revolution. Lesser offenses than this caused the American Revolution.
    #20     Oct 1, 2008