Help with desktop icons

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by syd697, Dec 5, 2002.

  1. syd697


    Help from anyone:

    Since adding a third monitor to my win98 pc, my desktop icons strangely boot up on a different monitor almost everytime. Plus, they have been arranged in alphabetical order in a pattern that I don't want. I had my icons set up exactly the way I like to see them and I can't get them to stick anymore in the pattern that I want. Anyone else have/had this problem? Any solutions?

  2. stu


    1. Right click the desktop then / Properties / Settings Tab . Select the physical arrangement of your monitors. It looks neater !

    2.Bottom right click Advanced button. Your graphics card pop up should appear. Try options tab may be a "Automatically save / restore desktop icon position". Click it !

    That works on Matrox Stuff. Hope it helps you