help! cannot sleep well -- wake up too early...

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by mizhael, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Melatonin is used by recovering patients after surgeries who have trouble with unsettled sleep patterns.

    Your brain produces it to make you sleepy.

    You can buy it over the counter at any pharmacy (costs 5 - 8$). The product is natural but it does put an effect on you that may make some feel groggy (sp?) the next morning.

    Take the 3mg first about 30 mins before bed. Try not to do complicated or complex thought processes before sleep time as it will only be harder for your brain to shut down and sleep.

    If the 3mg doesn't work.. upgrade to the 5mg.

    Melatonin is not addictive. It's suggested you take it for several nights and see how your body adjusts. Once you get good sleep, stay off it for a couple of days. Alternate until you find a good mix until you can comfortably train your body to sleep without the drug.
    #21     Jun 18, 2009
  2. Sounds like you have leveraged positions or just positions in the market that are making you feel uncomfy.

    You'd be amazed at how different it feels to be in an all-cash position at the end of each day.
    #22     Jun 18, 2009
  3. hayman


    I suffered from the same. It's called Type "A" personality, and is tough to shake. There is some fine-tuning that you can do, however:

    - Rigorous exercise in the morning (assuming that you are
    physically up to it);

    - Get off the caffeine, as much as you can, particularly after

    - Look into some Behaivor Modification techniques that can
    be employed prior to bed. Specifically, look at some breathing
    technqiues, that can slow down metabolism;

    - Sex before bed, may relax you even more;

    - Turn your computer off after 6 PM. It will help get your mind
    off this stuff;

    - Don't eat after 6 PM - it takes more effort to digest late meals,
    which can effect your sleep.

    Good luck, I hope these suggestions help a bit.
    #23     Jun 18, 2009
  4. my method is run run run. if I cold not sleep, I went down to my basement and run at least 1hours, then exhausted, toke a shower, sleep like a baby.

    sometime at the beiginning, I do have this problem. i like to exercise my trading skill in my mind or curse some unfair things in my life , particularly lie down to the bed, this made me feel very tired when i wake up. so I decied to curb this bad habit.

    my another method is: write a sign on my ceiling" sleep time sleep". when I want to do something in my mind in the bedtime, the sign reminds me"come on, it is sleeping time". after long time, I corrected it 99.9% 0f time. even i have a vey bad day, and my wife yelled at me, or i have a very profitable day, i can sleep pretty well.
    #24     Jun 18, 2009
  5. I was poking fun earlier, but I have to reiterate something in the thread that I think is most important. That's exercise. It's just what a doctor would tell you. If you're not exercising now, it's also just the thing you don't want to hear.

    Basically I fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly since I started running.
    #25     Jun 18, 2009
  6. I have always had sleep problems, first to fall asleep and now I tend to wake up too early as well.

    It's pretty simple to fix, but requires good habits, people will think you are a freak .
    I have considered sleeping pills but if you research them, they don't always work as intended and cause dependence and other side effects. Junk , just as all the other drugs for the mind.

    Basically what I do is I go to sleep everyday exactly at the same time and try to get up around the same time too. Don't sleep during the day, don't exercise at night, don't staty up late on the
    computer, or watching tv. Read a book before going to bed .
    Don't drink alcohol before bedtime, don't think about business or upsetting things, and people. Also I know ifd I go to bed past a certain time , I will wake up early unless it's really late past 3 am .
    #26     Jun 18, 2009
  7. Why is morning exercising good?

    I did do exercise in the afternoon, like running 2-3 miles for 5 days out of 7 days in a week...

    But I ended up losing weights, which I don't want... it didn't help sleeping at all.

    Of course, I could exhaust myself by running 4-5 miles a day, my sleep will only slightly improve, while my weight will drop more than the improvement of sleeping...

    Any more thoughts?
    #27     Jun 18, 2009
  8. I've tried. But with a girl getting into my brain, lots of new anxieties get into my life too. My brain is too sensitive, I could think of her for the whole day without concentration on work...
    #28     Jun 18, 2009
  9. How not to read for the last two hours of the day? We have so much info that needs to be digested every day...

    Any thoughts?

    The EMWave Stress Reliever sounds interesting... Anybody tried? How effective it is in terms of helping sleep?
    #29     Jun 18, 2009
  10. Once I tried going to Utah mountains for 10+ days, without thinking of a single bit of the financial markets. But it didn't help, even with the tiredness of mountain climbing, I still ended up waking up too early...

    Any more thoughts?
    #30     Jun 18, 2009