hello friends,i'm a new comer and excellent speculator

Discussion in 'Trading' started by geowalker, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. dear friends,very glad to come here and meet you.it's not easy to find so active an forum for me particully with poor english.i'm chinese and living in china now,doing very well in chinese futures market,at least making steady profit isn't a problem any more.now i come here for learning more things to improve myself and preparing for future trading in usa's financial markets.thanks
  2. Welcome to the board.
    About chinese equities and futures, you must be the man to tell us about whether there are any Chinese internet brokers with:
    - Website with English language
    - Preferably an API

    Thanks in advance
  3. Ni hao, Welcome to the board.. if you have any problems or need help, please feel free to contact me.

    You will find this board has a great international community, that can be as resourceful as they are eccentric.
  4. It's about time we got some talent on this board.

    Yo, welcome Geowalker.

    Watch out for the muggers.


  5. mhashe


    Hi geowalker, welcome aboard. I'd like to trade Chinese commodity markets. Is that possible at the moment for those residing outside China?
  6. thank you.

    in china
    there are two stock exchanges.they have less value for investment because some necessary regulations and laws are lack,and most investors have lost,but they are very proper for speculating.

    there are three futures exchanges.they are developing very well.
    ShanghaiFuturesExchange, http://www.shfe.com.cn/Ehome/index.jsp (english)
    Dalian Commodity Exchange
    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

    maybe in recent years foreign speculators can participate in these exchanges,but very difficult now.
  7. now there are no brokers that can serve for foreign investors
  8. hey, GW, what about forex.

    I trade currencies and want to buy the yuan against the British pound (or the Polish zloty *wriggles eyebrows*).

    you got any insider info on when that is gonna come about?

    like, when are you guys gonna float your currency in the open forex market?
  9. Come in.
    We'll fix your watch as required.
    #10     Oct 13, 2005