Hedging 401K accounts

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Cuddles, Feb 25, 2020.

What's your strategy

  1. Hold through a crash

    4 vote(s)
  2. Cash out

    2 vote(s)
  3. Switch instruments

    3 vote(s)
  1. Cuddles


    I hesitated cashing out, or if it's even wise to do so. I have a feeling we'll have the mother of all bears on such bubbly market so dunno if the "hold through the dips" strategy applies.

    If you reallocate, to what instruments?
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  2. dozu888


    you are such idiot....how many shakes does it take for you to learn.. don't hedge... buy more!
  3. fan27


    Cash out and put it all into Bitcoin.
    Cuddles likes this.
  4. RedDuke


    No need to rush. As you can see, I was spot on. More dips coming
  5. dozu888


    you aint spot on shit.... do a back test... waiting for dip is a losing strat.
  6. dozu888


    dips are decided in secret meetings.... nobody can see them coming.
  7. Here4money,

    How old are you?

    If you are young, less than 55, Hold and Keep on Buying. Retire at 65

    If you are older, greater than 60, Exit the market. Go 50% Market and 50% Bonds. Retire at 65. If you have a million in your account. Exit the market.

    All in all, I am definitely staying in the market. And definitely buying more. If it goes to 1000.00, I am definitely buying more.

    Nothing changes, me or you know what the market will do.

    In a nutshell......

    LONG AND STRONG, Go to the Moon. KEEP BUYING and don't ever stop.
  8. fan27,

    That is some horrible advice to tell someone who has a 401K. 401K is not for bullshitting monkeying ass around. Stop bullshitting man.
    comagnum and ET180 like this.
  9. RedDuke


    Are you saying if SPX goes to 1000, you will be buying all the way down???
    Cuddles and SimpleMeLike like this.
  10. RedDuke,

    You are 1000% correct that is what I am saying. With a big ass smile on my face as well and dancing as I hit the buy button. Hoping it goes to 500 so I can buy more too. I probably get a 2nd job, just to buy more working nights or something. Whole pay check just to buy S&P 500 index. Dancing everyday at work.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
    #10     Feb 25, 2020