Hedge fund monthly performance data for a fund with sharpe>1.0?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by southall, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. southall


    Does anyone have a public website link to a monthly hedge fund performance report going back more than 20 years for a hedge fund with a annual sharpe >1.0

    The best i could find was Winton Futures but with a sharpe of only 0.64 on this link:


    But am looking for 20 years of monthly public data for a fund with a sharpe of at least 1.0
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    20 years is a lot. I know one with a Sharpe Ratio since Inception of 1.14 but they only have about 12 years.
  3. You won`t find.What you`ll find should be the walk forward results at best.