Hedge Fund Managers who smoke pot

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by psytrade, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Theres gotta be some who do it on the side, recreationally. That or blow off a hooker's ass in Vegas on the weekends.
    #11     Oct 17, 2008
  2. ET is actually addictive. Such a waste of time, but goddamit, there's something addictive about it.
    #12     Oct 17, 2008
  3. #13     Oct 17, 2008
  4. Was about to post that Bloomberg link but you beat me to it. Fantastic article.

    The guy slams rich kids, Ivies, idiot bankers, and the gov't, and has an 870% return under his wings. My hat's off to him.
    #14     Oct 17, 2008
  5. nice to know some people aren't in it just for money- it can be alot of fun too
    #15     Oct 17, 2008
  6. I have MS, and I use potash corp of saskatchewan to relieve a whole host of issues. I trade. It works. Then again, I've usually found myself to be the exception to the rule. :D
    #16     Oct 17, 2008
  7. That post is worth at least three of these.:D :D :D
    #17     Oct 17, 2008
  8. nibbler- there's hope - BioMS Medical in Alberta Canada look into that clinical trial.

    It's got to be as good or better than Copaxone.

    I don't have MS - but I follow these things.
    #18     Oct 17, 2008
  9. Thanks for the info, I'll check it out. However, I so far have refused any of their creepy chemicals. I prefer to do things my way. Stress is the real killer in my opinion. That's when the awful stuff happens. So, I avoid it. Mainly by avoiding humanity at large. LOL I truly cannot believe that any company which exists to reap profit, would revel in a cure for ANYTHING. Like chris rock said "there ain't no money in a cure ..... The money is in the comeback" it's such a scam. When I was diagnosed in 2001 the neurologist said "there are three treatments A B and C , go do some reading and let me know which one you want". I went along. Chose B, lesser of three evils. Come home with a mountain of promotional/informative shit about this drug and the company "committed to me". Ha! Then I get a phone call at 8AM on a Saturday from my newly appointed "personal care representative" thoroughly annoyed from the onset, I was immediately subjected to what felt like applying for another mortgage. The conversation was very brief , along the lines of " take my information out of your system and if I ever hear from you people again, I will raise as much holy he'll as possible. " come to find out, my nifty new treatment would have cost about ten grand a month. No wonder they wanted to know so much about me. Insane I tell you. F 'em all.
    Sorry about the rambling guys, I just fertilized the fields again. :D
    #20     Oct 17, 2008