Healthcare bill will be repealed in the next Republican administration?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by crgarcia, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. djmartin


    You just proved my point, that the media is controlling what you see and only showing you what they want you to see. I bet your a die heart reps and still a little bitter over Obama winning? Open your eyes the government don't run the United States, big business does. I don't like Reps or Dems. Your fighting the wrong fight. Have fun being mad at the wrong people. I bet you don't understand the bill? Your just talking like you did read it. As long as there's two parties we will never get anything done. All it does is divid people and make them choose a side, instead of going after the real leaders of the country. I bet your reading all the blogs, news papers and watching TV saying ya lets get him out of office in 2012. Do you think the next President will be any better?
    #31     Mar 23, 2010
  2. So we elect not people to represent us, but people who are seeking their own personal political gains?

    This is a problem in a representative democracy, no? When politicians wins come at the expense of the citizenry, then we have uh....the USSR or insert a shithole of your choosing.

    BTW, there was a MUCH better and cheaper way to ACTUALLY extend medical care (not meaningless "coverage") to all. But, that would mean the Singapore model, where government does the funding of the medical care but the choice of doctors and procedures is left to the individual. But, that's just too much choice left in the hands of the stupid poor people and middle class for the Democrats to be happy with.

    This legislation does not actually extend medical care to those who need it. It hands control to the government. Which, happy Democrats should note, has historically been controlled by Republicans. Wanna bet the Repubs will shove a bunch of nasty shit down your throat when they're in control. I wouldn't bet against it.
    #32     Mar 23, 2010
  3. rc8222


    Bloomberg poll on Obamacare 3/22/10. 38% favor while 50% oppose!!!!
    #33     Mar 23, 2010
  4. In an earlier post, I indicated how one might under certain conditions, start a small business... earn $100,000, and yet net a mere $28-32,000 after all taxes... Federal, SS, Medicare, State, etc.

    I've come across another scenario which is even worse...

    Same $100,000 earnings... but the "total government take" on the 1st $34,000 is GREATER THAN 100%... then, 70%-ish total tax on the rest.

    Already there are heavy tax dis-incentives... Though the private sector is not "employed by government", some of us do "WORK FOR GOVERNMENT" more than we do for ourselves.
    #34     Mar 23, 2010
  5. Oh, so I shouldn't take anything I read in the media seriously, but I should take your omnipotence seriously? It would be easier to take you seriously if you knew the difference between "die hard" and "die heart". I should take your word for it that all the polls are wrong because....?

    I'm a libertarian. But, since our choice is Dems or Repubs, my preference is the government is split between them. So, yes, considering the Dem super-majority in congress, I wanted a Republican president. If the Repubs kept the congress, I'd be a-okay with Barry in the white house. If we keep them divided, they'll have a hard time conquering us.

    My dream is to have the government split between super religious conservatives and total Marxists. They'll get nothing done and we'll be better off.
    #35     Mar 23, 2010
  6. rc8222


    CBS: Americans Don't Like Healthcare Bill

    CNN Poll: Majority Now Disapprove Of Obama.

    Exempted From Obamacare: Senior Staff Who Wrote The Bill.
    #36     Mar 23, 2010
  7. I missed that post. But, we're all their bitches now, aren't we?

    Makes you wonder why you work, doesn't it? Makes you wonder what sucker will work to pay for you if you don't work.
    #37     Mar 23, 2010
  8. djmartin


    See what this governing did to people, divided you from your friends who you may have known for years. Thats the point I'm trying to make is that this system is dividing people making them choose a side. My friends are to important to me to let ant issue seperate me from them.
    #38     Mar 23, 2010
  9. Indeed we are. Unfortunately, Obama and the Leftists want to raise taxes even more. I'm sure they won't stop until all of the "haves" have been bled dry... and then everybody will have the same... NOTHING!

    And there will be no opportunity to do anything about it.
    #39     Mar 23, 2010
  10. Are you me? This is my plan - with some variations. Hey, they made the rules of the game, we'll just play it and play it within the bounds of the law.

    I agree that we can control what we control and we just have to deal with the rest. I almost feel sorry for the poor rubes who believe they'll get more and cheaper health care because of this. But, then, they wanted this hot, shitty mess, let' em have the feel the full effect of their desires.
    #40     Mar 23, 2010