Healthcare bill will be repealed in the next Republican administration?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by crgarcia, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. I don't think you fully appreciate just HOW people live and die in the kind of system the orcs of congress just imposed on us.
    #11     Mar 23, 2010
  2. From your lips to God's ears!

    But, government has enough power to rob us of liberty, wealth and security as it drowns under the weight of its own stupidity and greed.

    Yes, greed.

    No corporation, no private citizen can ever even begin to match the hunger for power and naked greed of the average politician.
    #12     Mar 23, 2010
  3. hayman


    The 2-party system will be coming to a screeching halt before 2012, mark my words. These Dems and Reps are all but done, and both have lost favor with the American People. The Republicans are much worse off than the Dems though - at least the Dems have "liberals" and "moderate Dems". The Republicans are have no moderates, and are all so-called "right-wing extremists", that are so far to the right, that they can't see in front of their own faces.

    We need to bring back Reagan, who was the last decent President we had. They have all been massive failures since he left office in 1988.
    #13     Mar 23, 2010
  4. rc8222


    LOL. There's no such thing as a "moderate" Democrat. They are all "left wing" screwballs that are destroying the country.
    #14     Mar 23, 2010
  5. no they are just predicting a democratic presidential win
    #15     Mar 23, 2010
  6. Doubt it. Maybe at the State and Local level. But at the Federal level, there won't be any retreat unless there is a strong push to pare back the government towards Constitutional limitations... and the current Powers will not give up their station and go easily.

    Rather, Federal government and deficits will likely continue to grow until the $USD collapses, nearly all Americans have become bankrupt, and there is some form of New World Order... at least in the USA.

    Seem inevitable. I was just hoping it would take 50 years. Unfortunately, Obama and his criminal sidekicks are pushing up the time table considerably.

    #16     Mar 23, 2010
  7. hayman


    They certainly aren't helping, I agree, but the last decade was the lost decade, and we can squarely pin that on the Bush and Cheney disasters.
    #17     Mar 23, 2010
  8. 377OHMS


    Repeal? Nope.

    I don't think this is reversible.

    Once the have-nothings realized they can vote themselves money taken from the have-somethings our Democracy essentially stopped serving all of its citizens.

    Some of you are counting on the November elections to make some difference. I say it is too late. Now the Obama adminstration will stack the deck with immigrants and rob whatever remaining disposable income the middle-class has.

    In the couple of days since the vote I have, of course, come to realize that I can personally do nothing meaningful to resist, I am powerless effectively. I'm guessing this is what tyranny feels like.

    America has been conquered by the communists it home-grew in the universities. They've handed the country off to the welfare/immigrant electorate for perpetuity. The cultural war has been lost. The left won. It was an inside job.

    And that is that.
    #18     Mar 23, 2010
  9. jprad


    Eisenhower had more integrity that all the rest who've followed him combined.

    But, even back then the game was already over, he said as much on the way out.
    #19     Mar 23, 2010
  10. democratic senate and house as well
    #20     Mar 23, 2010