Health Insurance

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Vinny1, May 19, 2011.

  1. We pay $200 per month that covers all three of us here in Georgia with Humana. It's a little less than $70 per month per person. The plan has a $7,500 deductible per person per year with a $15,000 maximum family deductible. The plan does cover annual ob-gyn visits, annual check-ups at the pediatrician and internist, and preventive mammograms for free without a deductible. It also has a prescription plan.

    I figure why pay high premiums for a $0 or low deductible when I can save alot of money each year going with the high deductible.
    #21     May 21, 2011
  2. Funny. Not having a kid because it costs to much. Great value system.
    #22     May 21, 2011
  3. The pitfalls of irrational reasoning are pretty obvious in the last paragraph. At what point does the OP expect the costs of having a child to taper off after childbirth is paid for? Children are expensive to keep AS WELL!
    #23     May 21, 2011
  4. TGregg


    Curious that they never quote government spending in terms of decades like they do with "tax cuts".
    #24     May 21, 2011
  5. We have decided not to have any more children, since we would rather give all of the attention to our one child, not because the hospital and Ob-Gyn cost would be $7,000.
    #25     May 21, 2011
  6. Come to Europe.

    Having a baby costs like 1000$ max And the mortality rate is lower then in the US so no quality issues there.

    Ofcourse, not everyone is as free market minded here then in the States you know, I could understand how that would be to big of an obstacle to overcome.
    #26     May 22, 2011
  7. Let's say it costs $10k when the child is born. That's just the beginning. We easily spend more than $10k per year on each of our kids every single year. The hospital bills are where the expenses start. After that, it's food, clothes, soccer, dance lessons, piano lessons, vacations, Chistmas presents, birthday parties, school tutors, etc., etc. Kids are expensive EVERY year, not just the year that they're born.

    #27     May 22, 2011
  8. Yeah but in the nations where there's "free" health care, that still happens. The emergency rooms are still flooded because people have to wait for weeks just to get to see a doctor, sometimes months. It's even worse there because any time anyone has a headache, stayed out drinking too much and doesn't want to go to work they go to the hospital because they are "sick", so they can't get fired. People go because of common colds to the e-room. People even drop off elderly parents because they want a baby sitter for them while they go out. It takes weeks to get in to see an actual doctor, and that's doing well. If you need any scans/tests, it nearly always takes at least 2 months. You have obviously never witnessed this "free" healthcare in action.

    #28     May 22, 2011
  9. Yes, he is a traitor to the democratic party, MOST of the democratic party is a traitor to the democratic party, because it's been over run with the socialist party. Actual Democrats proper are almost extinct these days.

    #29     May 22, 2011
  10. When people have kids they can't afford the child gets slighted, the family ends up on welfare and the taxpaying public gets stuck with the bill. We have 600,000 of these families in California alone. Don't have kids if you can't afford to take care of them.

    #30     May 22, 2011