Headache from too much time at the computer screen.

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by _eug_, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. SteveM



    I have experienced exactly what you are going through. You have symptoms of what is referred to as "computer vision syndome". It sucks. Mine got so bad that I developed vertigo symptoms, nausea, splitting headaches you name it. Wound up in the emergency room thinking I had lymphoma or a brain tumor I felt so sick.

    Things that have worked for me:

    1) Getting up in the morning, walking straight to my laptop and spending the next 12 hours glued to it while drinking 4 cups of coffee no longer works for me, and will cause major symptom problems. I have to take my eyes off of the screen. Stare at wall, do housework, run errands, go for a walk, etc. I cannot spend hour after hour staring at the screen.

    2) Go on Amazon, and purchase "bluelight blocking glasses". I got mine for $25 bucks and they immediately relieved the migraine headaches I was experiencing. I wear them whenever I am using the screen. Within 5 minutes of putting them on and looking at the screen for the first time I knew they were helping with my symptoms.

    3) https://www.seesicksyndrome.com/

    Dr. Gillian has some free videos on that site that contains vision exercises you can do. You must do the exercises everyday for at least one week in order to get relief. Those vision excercises helped with my problems tremendously.

    4) I need balance in my life. Being on the computer 19 hours a day does not work for me. Shutoff all screens by 7pm at night, and don't turn them on again until 7 am the next morning.

    5) A pitch-black room with a bright cellphone screen is my biggest trigger. If I do that for 20 minutes before bed, my symptoms will be much worse the following day.
    #11     Aug 2, 2019
    kmiklas, wrbtrader and _eug_ like this.
  2. Overnight


    BAM! That is your problem!

    Crank the refresh as high as you can go, and yer right as rain. Trust me on that. If your monitor cannot support higher than 60 Hz, toss it. You MUST escape 60 Hz. And at that rate you might be even speaking of stuff like interlaced mode and whatnot. Upgrade your monitors!
    #12     Aug 3, 2019
  3. kmiklas


    1. Don’t skimp on monitors! You stare at them all day. Get high-res LED (not backlit) monitors.
    2. Make sure you set your monitors up so that you sit up straight. Don’t hang your head forward.
    3. Stop drinking coffee. Trust me on this one. It causes a lot of headaches.
    #13     Aug 5, 2019
  4. _eug_


    Its gotten better for me. I got some new eye classes with some protection against monitor lights. I adjusted my chart colors to black and white and have been using the F.lux filter which makes the screen easier on the eyes. So far so good.

    I cannot avoid coffee as my trading takes place at night. I am in Asia time zone.
    #14     Aug 6, 2019
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Are you sure it is eye related and not posture related? I went back and forth with something like this a while back and it ended up being a posture problem. Something akin to "Text Neck".
    #15     Aug 6, 2019
    kmiklas likes this.
  6. kmiklas


    This is probably the problem—or at least a big part of it. Coffee is a powerful and addictive stimulant that also affects your sleep. Try switching to tea, and taking scheduled naps. You will trade better.
    #16     Aug 6, 2019