Have you found worthwhile Reddit posters?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by 777, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. 777


    Any worthwhile Reddit posters or threads?
  2. ZBZB


  3. This is a tricky one. The volume of posts in reddit is overwhelming, and 99% is shitpost / memes and such. I haven't looked for anyone in particular to follow, but from time to time there are good posts. Check, according to your interest

    https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang (retards posting very seriously)
    https://www.reddit.com/r/thewallstreet (probably relatively most sane)
    https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets (retards posting as retards)

    Meet us real time retards here (don't expect anything of value): https://discord.gg/wallstreetbets

    Edit: In reddit trading discussions, retard is term of endearment. That should be clear
    Snuskpelle, Nobert and 777 like this.
  4. S2007S


  5. 777


    Thank you for the work you put into your reply!
    zdreg, Nobert and DarthSidious like this.
  6. algotrading has some decent stuff from time to time, and its the one I visit most frequently. as w most 'trading' forums, most of it is just retail guys who are tryna figure out how they can get rich using rsi, Macd, or whatever hocus pocus is popular nowadays. but occasionally some good posts by professionals or at least serious hobbyists.

    /quant is a little more serious

    I forget how /options is. /futures is eh
    Snuskpelle, Atikon and 777 like this.
  7. Atikon


    It's a long shot, I remember the guy who predicted the 2019 pre election and consequently default in argentinia. But the sub is so big by now, that every more ppl try to manipulate the market by posting some bogus dd. I just look it up for the memes
  8. Zor_Champ


    DarthSidious and 777 like this.