it seems to me that they did answer your questions. IB had every right to close your position. I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with the French not letting us use the airspace during the gulf war or anything like that. Good luck. and by you bringing this up, now I willopen an acct with IB knowing that they have a great risk dept.
mike--claire: Perhaps if you give additional details of your transaction one can make a more informed decision... How much NET equity did you have in your account? What is the value of those 30 contracts? How much would the required margin normally be per IB rules and how far short of it were you? Thanks for your answer. IndexTrader
IndexTrader, the margin does not matter. We did not have the maintenance requirement. That's all. However, our position was positive and we never caused the slightest problem to IB before. These are the facts. We would have closed the position by 22:00 as we always did. We are simply deceived and we will never trade with IB again. They could have prevented us before opening our position. They knew it, the did nothing before and they did it on purpose. I will definitely submit my case to the SEC.
While you are at it, why don't you leave this board since you obviously don't care for the American culture. I'm sure we can find someone to replace you.
BullFighter, la loi de la force et de la violence n'a jamais conduit a la paix. Je te souhaite bon courage parmi tes McDonalds et ta sous-culture de la consommation. Je prefere la terre de la culture et de la tolerance.
admit it mike, you were just trying to get an "edge" by taking that position, and got mad that it didn't work out
I wonder when some of you will be starting making IB responsible for the trading losses they suffer from. ("I saw this nice & neat TWS, i HAD to start churning. OR. I simply could not withstand the order button. IB must pay now.)
You're acting more like a frenchman than an Italian. You're pissed about not getting away with something, but wrong. We may seem arrogant but you're confusing that with being very competitive. Don't be envious, just understand the difference. I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with the French not letting us use the airspace during the gulf war or anything like that. That's another thing, better close this thread before some gentlemen lose there manners.
You are wrong, it did work out, if it was not for our broker. But we are leaving him and we are happy