'Hate crime' victims: Young, poor and white

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sputdr, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. Thanks, that answers my question, at least you're not denying that the three of you are among those 15% of white pricks.

    BTW you're right about my color and residence but I am not a bleeding heart liberal on racial issues, I have never been an apologist for other races, nations, Islam, arabs, blacks, I have never supporterd affirmative actions and similar programs and I fully support racial/religious profiling. But unlike the three of you I don't fall into the category of white racist pricks either.
    #11     Feb 22, 2006
  2. As opposed to black racist dicks?

    <img src="http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/farrakhan_toyota.jpg">

    <img src="http://www.commarts.wisc.edu/Grad/Images/Small/Grad_Rhetoric_Jackson_Jesse.jpg">

    In a 1969 Life Magazine interview, Jackson said that when he worked as a waiter in a Greenville, South Carolina restaurant, he would spit into the soups and salads of white customers. "[Spitting into the food] gave me a psychological gratification," Jackson said.

    <img src="">

    "So try not to laugh when someone says these [whites] are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention."

    #12     Feb 22, 2006
  3. Generalization fallacy, as well as argument from local personal experiences to national general conclusions.

    In addition, maybe they acted like a complete prick to you because they sense the underlying racist attitudes.

    #13     Feb 22, 2006

  4. Your problem is that you do and don't know it.

    it's akin to somebody saying he isnt a racist because he/ she has a black friend.

    Just being a liberal means you are a racist.
    #14     Feb 22, 2006
  5. [​IMG]

    According to CNN.com, July 13,1998, in the article "Winner in Brawley suit says victory is bittersweet," Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old black female, was found in a garbage bag with dog feces smeared on her body and racial epithets scrawled on her, after disappearing from her home on November 1987. With the help of Al Sharpton, she claimed a gang of white law enforcement officers had abducted and raped her. One of these accused men was former prosecutor Steven Pagones. Eventually, a grand jury pronounced her story a hoax, exonerating Pagones. The jury found Sharpton liable for $65,000 of the total damages for making seven defamatory statements about Pagones, many of which included Al Sharpton calling Pagones a "rapist." Sharpton never apologized for his remarks against Pagones. The case was obviously racially inflamed with the help of Al Sharpton, who demonstrated his unrepentant hatred toward whites.

    According to a Jewish Forward article "The Crown Heights Riot & It's Aftermath," January 1993, by Philip Gourevitch, a car driven by Yosef Lifsh, a Hasidic Jew, went out of control in Crown Heights. A black seven-year-old, Gavin Cato, was killed, and his seven-year-old cousin, Angela Cato, was badly injured.

    When the driver stepped out of his car to help the child he had hit, angry black bystanders beat and robbed him before police could reach the scene. As the ambulance arrived to help the Cato children under the car, medics decided that Lifsh should be placed in the first ambulance. Seeing this, the black crowds began to gather, crying "racism," and chanting "Jews, Jews, Jews."

    Later that day, the angry black mob came upon Yankel Rosenbaum, a twenty nine year old Orthodox Jew, shouting, "get the Jew" and "kill the Jew." Rosenbaum was stabbed and beaten. Later that day Rosenbaum died after receiving medical treatment at Kings County Hospital.

    True to form, Al Sharpton rushed to Crown Heights. He called for the arrest of Lifsh, and even pressured Brooklyn district attorney Charles Hynes into convening a Grand Jury, which found no cause for an indictment. Al Sharpton then spoke at Gavino Cato's funeral.

    A horrific three-day, four night attack on Jews in Crown Heights neighborhood followed. Angry black mobs attacked Jewish homes, and held up signs that read, "Hitler didn't do his job." Many Jews throughout the community lived in fear - fear that was perpetuated by Al Sharpton's finger pointing gestures against Jews, which he referred to as "diamond merchants." Why isn't the "elite" media exposing Al "anti-semitic" Sharpton for stereotyping Jews? Is it because he is a minority? Is it because he is bleeding heart liberal-Democrat? Why don't they persecute him like they would a conservative? The radical left, through their control of the media, is not printing both sides of the story. We live in liberal times, where liberals like Sharpton can say all the racist, anti-semitic comments they want, and the media will "accidentally" miss it; but if a conservative dare say anything that could even be construed as hateful, that will be front page headlines. Are Al Sharpton's comments about Jews just an accident? When he's walking with people carrying signs with extreme anti-semitic comments, is that just by chance? Sharpton has built his political career by attacking Jews and whites. In other words, he is the very racist that he claims others to be!

    According to the Jewish Post of New York, article titled "Burn the Jew Store Down," by Hy Drusin, The Jewish Post of New York, January 1996) The Reverend Al Sharpton organized a group of protestors in 1995, that began two months of protest outside Fredi's Fashion Mart, a Harlem business owned by Fred Harari , a Jewish man. At the time, Sharpton was the head of the National Action Network. The protest centered on the eviction of Sikhulu Shange, owner of the Record Shack, who was subletting from Mr.Harari. In months leading up the Harlem Massacre, Al Sharpton used black radio stations (WWRL and WLIB) to attack non-black Harlem storeowners:

    "Now, many of us are involved in various levels of struggle. One of the things that our Buy Black Campaign, and Brother Morris Powell and I are engaged in, is there is a systemic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. It started with the vendors, now they're going to the actual merchants. One of our brothers who has for years been a backbone in our community, who has not only been an entrepreneur, but has also been a activist and involved in the struggle is now being threatened with not having his lease renewed."

    "Brother Sikhulu -- stand up, brother -- on 125th Street. I want to make it clear to the radio audience -- and do you hear -- that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother, so that some white interloper can expand his business on 125th Street. And we're asking the Buy Black Committee to go down there, and I'm gonna go down there, and do what is necessary to let them know that we are not turnin? 125th Street back over to outsiders as it was done in the early part of this century." - Radio Station WWRL - Sharpton Rally - 9/9/95

    Sharpton organized crowds of protestors, screaming about "bloodsucking Jews" and "Jew bastards" and threatening to "burn the building down." Finally, Roland James Smith, Jr., got Sharpton's message. On Friday, December 8, at 10:12 a.m., Smith walked into Freddy's Fashion Mart, pulled out a gun, ordered all the black customers to leave, spilled paint thinner on several bins of clothing and set them on fire, resulting in the deaths of eight people, including himself. Isn't it wonderful, how Al the racist Sharpton, can throw around words like "white interloper" and "bloodsucking Jews" in public, and the "elite" media conveniently misses it again! But I don't miss it. I see Sharpton for the kind of guy he really is: a low life liberal and racist who hates Jews.

    The Democrat party doesn't care what Al Sharpton says or does. They have so few blacks in high positions that they are willing to justify anything in the name of diversity. Just imagine: if Sharpton was thrown out of the party, he would probably call them "racist" and say they are discriminating against him, or that they are holding the black man down.

    But let me get something straight, if a conservative opens his mouth to speak the factual truth, he is called "racist," "fascist," or "homophobe," but if guys like Al Sharpton say things that would be objectionable coming from anyone else, they are called "activists."
    #15     Feb 23, 2006
  6. Threads like this are why the scientific understanding of race and IQ are so necessary.

    Anyone who ever bothered to read - rather than just relying on liberal assurances that it's "not true" and "horrible" - the Bell Curve will understand, The fact is, the work remains unrefuted. And there's a lot more evidence since that bolsters it.

    If it was folly to accept religious assurances that the world was created in six days, maybe it's folly to accept egalitarian assurances that all people, everywhere, at all times, in precise geometric alignment are absolutely equal - afterall, both assurances are given us with no evidence.
    #16     Feb 27, 2006