hate all this prayer crap

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FRuiTY PeBBLe, Apr 13, 2003.

  1. You don;t think prayers work????

    ...Ask Tom Brady and the New England Patriots that question.....he got clearly sacked in the AFC champ game yet...the refs found something!!!! and hallelujah!!!

    They get another chance!
    #61     Apr 16, 2003
  2. tough to defend against your statements....

    tough to agree with your statements, because of the implications....

    kinda agree with them, because, whilest those persons, you gave in your example, said what they did, I kinda always had those same questions in trying to see how what they claimed was relevant....

    I do know that if you were to step on Judiasm like you just stepped on Christianity, you'd bring out a whole 'nother set of comments; for that matter any major religious belief system

    Hey, kinda hard to defend, support, agree or critisize any of these claims, so I kinda don't touch these "3rd rail" issues
    (with reference to the power rail on the NYC Transit system, i.e. 3rd rail)
    #62     Apr 16, 2003

  3. excellent post, but let me stop you there.

    what you just said requires some sort of "faith" or belief in what you obviously are already convinced in. I'm not sure whether conversion is an appropriate issue to attempt to do justice to on these forums, because for the vast majority of persons, it would require conversion to have the level of conviction that you've just displayed.

    I commend you on your "faith", and your valiant defense of your "faith", well said.

    Pardon the starter of this thread, and other commentators (Fruity Pebble, Geo. Carlin - commedian, et.al.) for trampling on your well defended beliefs, but where I struggle with is..

    how does any of these discussions improve my trading ability, or insight on market conditions, or awareness of trading vehichles (SSF's, options, pairs trading, etc.) or brokers?

    Oh, different discussion, ok, I'll go join those.... then....
    #63     Apr 16, 2003
  4. stu


    So why all the pious "pardon the freaks who don't believe in the sky daddy" stuff. "I commend you on your faith". yuk
    just what the hell is there to commend about a belief in fairies f.f.s.??

    Thank you
    #64     Apr 16, 2003
  5. ElCubano


    I just dont understand why all the 'HATE'....why would someone HATE that I pray to God or that I believe in God....I dont 'HATE' that you dont pray, I dont 'HATE' that you dont believe or have Faith..I actually dont care...Can You answer that fruity???

    Faith has helped many a people turn their life around, surely there is some value to that. Wether in reality there is a God to have faith in or there isnt doesnt really matter to someone that does have faith and wants to beleive and has turned their life around and or lives a content life in doing so.....Only in the End shall we find out the truth, so if your life was enriched by Faith then so be it.........peace

    whats up Stu? :D
    #65     Apr 16, 2003
  6. stu


    Excuse my butting in, I just happened to be here but....
    Yes ElCubano, jettison the Hate by all means. Amen to that.

    Faith is a good thing if it helps you. Faith is a bad thing when it's institutionally shoved down the throats of the little children and attempts to superimpose the words Moral, Right, and Honest.

    ElCunano...I have much love for ya!!!! (not the *cough* sort, you understand:D
    #66     Apr 16, 2003

  7. You are so right....i would hate to impose morality, honesty and human rights on my children....Im hoping my kids will be more into crack, lying , cheating ect.....
    #67     Apr 16, 2003
  8. "The universe and the life it contains does not require a creator or a planner, it simply is, and it is because there is nothing else it could be."

    1) Why?, as a question requires a certain response - a reason, a cause. Perpetually asking "why?," by necessity requires an originator. As early as Aquinas, and probably earlier, this was shown to be true. He developed his proofs on God by presupposing that "why?" must have an answer and then reasoned that that answer must be God. This is circular argumentation and destined to yield no greater understanding. There may very well be an answer but we have no way of judging the verity of any proposition, and so we must limit ourselves to (a) an arbitrary stance, (b) asking different questions.

    2) This is it exactly, we cannot know or even begin to know beyond the bounds of what we can perceive (or instruments which we design can measure)

    3) Infinity does help in this way and is appealling to many. It is a tricky idea, however - very hard to conceive. The variations are numerous but I can think of two right now - infinite expansion (no bounds), infinite division (within bounds). To exemplify, what is the largest/smallest number? Or, How many numbers are there between 1.0 and 1.2?
    I was not calling upon this concept, - and it is a good one - rather I proposed we discard the notion of statistical probability in relation to ultimate cause, citing that despite the fact that in mankind's formulae to describe life certain variables can be altered one is required to accept the possibility of being altered in actuality.

    I was not calling upone this concept - and it is a good one - but as an alternative I propose we discard the notion that because mankind's formulae to describe realty contain variables which can be altered so as to create an "un-reality," these variations need be added to a pool of possible, in-actuality outcomes. On the contrary, I would suggest that these variations do not occur because they cannot occur, and that this is the function of a non-cogniscent universe.
    #68     Apr 16, 2003

  9. self-righteousness, post-action moral justification, blind servitude, imposition of culture, social purgation, slavery, ...

    ... on my children....
    #69     Apr 16, 2003
  10. ...one missing ingredient in the universe....for all the wonders of science to explain every possible event....they still cannot explain how PLANT cells became ANIMAL cells....One theory is lightning charged a plant cell......Sounds good but I live in florida, the lightning capital of the world.....if that was true, we'd have Banyan trees and coconut palms with legs......let's face it ....we are so small.
    #70     Apr 16, 2003