Has the Fed realized QE isn't working?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ajcrshr, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Der Vent

    Der Vent

    Do you blame the big Colombian cocaine sellers

    or the average street dealer in US city

    FED is like the mega mafia

    Congress is like dealers.

    They all need to hang

    #51     Aug 21, 2011
  2. I guess you would have to resort to slinging dope when unemployement is that high. You are right about blaming the mob, but congress is the mob pal. Fed is just forced into the (street) corner.
    #52     Aug 21, 2011
  3. S2007S


    Just be glad that BUBBLE ben bernanke will be speaking this week, he will come up with some new creative ideas to prop up stocks and financial markets so the bulls can be happy once again. He better do something to prop up stocks or this will not be a good christmas for anyone. I mean hasn't he done a great job already HAHAHAHAHA!!! Just remember he cant do anything to fix this economy so don't even listen to the worthless ideas he will carry forward when he speaks towards the end of the week!
    #53     Aug 21, 2011
  4. I'll listen to every word, I'm long hypocrisy of US officials.
    #54     Aug 21, 2011
  5. Der Vent

    Der Vent

    You must be new so I'll cut you some slack and not call you an idiot right away

    Federal Reserve is not federal and there are NO reserves.

    FED is a Private not national, PRIVATE central bank owned by European Jewish families as well as owned to a lesser extent by Goldman Sachs of US and few other banks.

    Federal reserve came to power in 1913 by finding a way to screw democracy and pay off congressmen, read book, creature from Jekyll Island..

    FED prints and LOANS dollars to US government, every single dollar exists with interest attached to it which is not the case with China and Russia.

    FED is above the government in power
    FED is above the congress in power
    FED is owner and GOD of United States.

    Fed owns the US dollar as currency, dollar is their property not yours.

    Names of people who own the fed are, Rothschilds, Morgans, Warburgs, and to lesser extent Rockefellers

    They are living breathing people of flesh and bone
    #55     Aug 21, 2011
  6. jem



    1. I would rather have seen the banks collapse then then now... which they are going to still do, absent turning the dollar to toilet paper.

    2. Have you seen what is happening with BofA.

    3. Have you seen how much money the fed gave away...
    leading to an even bigger moral hazard...
    as the world now comes to the Fed for trillions.

    side note... too bad I am not too young.

    4. I visted Europe multiple times in the 80s, as a student and then as part of my job.

    In 1986 Lift tickets at chaminoix were 11 dollars a day.
    I chipped in for a hotel room in the town. My share was 7 dollars a day.

    10 days of traveling eating lodging and exchange money for francs and swiss francs... a great leather jacket and air fair cost me 700 dollars.

    As far as the dollar goes.

    The majority of U.S. politicians were arguing the dollar was too strong because it harmed exports. But there were people screaming against devaluation.
    #56     Aug 22, 2011