Has O'Reilley Lost His Mind?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by iceman1, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. I would gain more political insight watching Sponge Bob than Billo!

    But then again, the longer you keep this monkey on the air, the longer you will give us laughing material.
    #11     Oct 3, 2008
  2. Oh but there is one small tiny difference between Chris and Bill. Chris has substance!
    #12     Oct 3, 2008

  3. Troglodyte homunculus, great stuff. Sting? The right has no business playing any music the creators of which would cringe at
    the propect of any implied association from. Thats nearly all of rock n roll.
    #13     Oct 3, 2008
  4. cuz69


    You are obviously jaded by the LEFT media, which is how most of our country gets there news.

    Bill is objective and fair and does not support one party or the other directly.

    He will call out the RIGHT when he sees fit to. But again, since you are jaded and you clearly dislike him, you can't see past your own hatred.

    But whatever, fox is the ONLY channel that displays both sides. Look at Hannity and Colmes as an example. One LEFT and the other RIGHT.

    Again they are part of a network that is fair and objective. As is Bill.
    #14     Oct 3, 2008
  5. You are beyond ignorant. Cnn Has Glenn Beck (a total dumbass but still) PBS has David Brooks, NBC has Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan.

    I watch every single network (not all at once but on rotational basis. My favorite is PBS) and I listen to talk radio. I watch fox and listen to talk radio for:

    b) Collect intelligence on the enemy.

    I know that what fox and rush say gets deposited into the heads of the people who can't think for themselves.
    #15     Oct 3, 2008
  6. And you are obviously delusional and fucking retarded! Fox News is the right's voice. Just like MSNBC is the left's. Try to state that they are unbiased is a fucking joke! Fox News is responsible for more hatred in this country than any other media.
    #16     Oct 3, 2008
  7. Lou dobbs is an idiot
    #17     Oct 3, 2008
  8. O'reilly deserves a thousand times more respect than olbermann because olbermann has never once on his show ever talked to someone with a different political affiliation than himself. All though Bill is an asshole he is at least a logical asshole. Olbermann on the other hand talks shit about the other party and then instead of actually having a debate to provide some credibility for his left wing views he has someone on the show that is as nutty as himself.

    With that said i am astounded at the fact that Olbermann has the endurance to read a telepromter and bitch for an hour straight while acting like he is quite the expert on every topic he has ever graced us lucky viewers with.
    #18     Oct 3, 2008
  9. Right...and Khomeini was Jewish.
    #19     Oct 3, 2008
  10. O'Brien ... oops, O'Reilley is a loyal servant of universally absolute truth. A distinguished true patriot!
    Resistance will be futile!

    Hmm, hapaboy deserves more blessings and the Supreme Being will shine upon his chosen one with his omniscient love.
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    Your pricetag is rising... you will not be so(u)ld anytime soon. We're investing(!) in you.

    Everyone else: "Don't worry, be happy." :)

    A 101 message from the Ministry of Love, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Truth.

    #20     Oct 4, 2008