Has more millionaires been made from stocks or real estate?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by profitplay, Jan 28, 2009.

Has more millionaires been made from stocks or real estate?


    8 vote(s)

    12 vote(s)
  1. Has more millionaires been made from stocks or real estate?
  2. Does it count for real estate, if total value of all property own is over 1 million but most of them r mortgaged?
  3. Does it count for stocks if buying power is over one million, but equity in acct is only 20k?

    Seriously, real estate would count equity only.
  4. That's an interesting question, I think investors have probably been creamed on both investments. Some people bought at the height of the property bubble, blowing all warnings aside. I remember when my father bought his farm 14 years ago. The man selling it made an absolute fortune and on it, and I remember thinking then, why would he want to sell it? It's going to be worth so much more in ten years. Well, 14 years later it's worth less than it was then.
  5. Rex84


    what about real estate stocks... the question is to vauge. Furthermore, many people make money in a variety of ways, both from the appreciation of their land value and money the have in a fund.