Has Anyone Taken A Look At Boeing's Numbers?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by MrDODGE, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Ugly!

    Total Cash (mrq): 3.28B
    Total Debt (mrq): 7.51B
    Current Ratio (mrq): 0.84
    Book Value Per Share (mrq): -1.781
  2. S2007S


    Soon every DOW stock will be worthless, single digits for all.

    XOM is ready to collapse as well, get ready for a huge amount of DOW points to come right off the top after this stock drops to the 50's then the 30's and then the teens.
  3. m22au


  4. This is a great time to be a small entrepreneur. The major conglomerates and oligopolies have fallen.
  5. This is not true because the conglomerates fail followed by a government bailout to subsidize operations. The small entrepreneur cannot compete with government sponsoring failure.
  6. Wow, I didn't realize Boeing's balance sheet was that shitty.
  7. How are the earnings? Earnings rule.

    Gross profit (ttm) is $10.56B, even if they can keep half of that profits during this recession isn't bad.

    However their profit margin is 4.39%, so it doesn't makes sense to get more debt at this low ratios.

    Maybe they were financing their own planes? If so they should stop and get a bank or anyone else (now maybe the Fed) to finance.
    In fact they should ask for advances on down payments?