Harvard Law School Seal = racist. Gone!!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. Max E. likes this.
  2. vanzandt


    Wow. I can see how that would offend people.

    Max E. likes this.
  3. Yep, first thought comes to mind is slaves picking cotton looking at this shield of horror. The insanity continues.
    Max E. likes this.
  4. I don't see how they got away with it for this long.
    traderob and Max E. like this.
  5. vanzandt


  6. The crest has the family seal of Isaac Royall, Jr.

    ".... they were responsible for the brutal torture and murder of 88 enslaved persons in Antigua in the mid-1730s. Seventy-seven enslaved people were burned alive, six were hanged, and five were broken on the wheel—a torture device whereby people’s bones were crushed until they bled to death. The bodies were then put on display to remind the enslaved people of Antigua of the supremacy of the Royall family and other slavers."

    It seems they just want to remove the part of the seal that references him. it is important to note the shield was unchanged for 120 years until 1936 when they added the Royal family seal to the shield.

    Almost all the other schools have shields without anything more than the motto, color and 3 books.

    The law school voted unanimously to remove the sheaths of wheat. If they are all ok with it and the original shield had no pictures like that anyway.... meh...
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    My civil war monument argument comes to mind.
  8. And suddenly...

    Where did all the righteously indignant go?
  9. You could show that Shield to 10,000, a 100,000, a million random people and I'd bet heavy money 99% of them would not know what the hell it even represented let alone some reference to slavery. Another non problem fabricated into a political issue.
  10. I offer this as the replacement.
    #10     Mar 20, 2019