Halliburton Corporation's : the components of the Bush-Cheney drug empire

Discussion in 'Politics' started by harrytrader, Mar 9, 2003.

  1. By Michael C. Ruppert, the Wilderness Publications (independant journalist at http://www.fromthewilderness.com/),
    24 October 2000

    Halliburton Corporation's Brown and Root is one of the major components of the Bush-Cheney drug empire


    And best of all they have secured their sick business using peoples tax so that we pay at least the double of the burden plus the grave consequences on society which has no cost haha !
  2. Your silence would be like Gold ... but read on:




    (Sept. 7, 2001) -- Continuing her ongoing display of courage and truth telling as the lone member of Congress willing to tackle risky issues such as Cointelpro, US inspired antics in Colombia and Africa and other illegal covert operations, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, (D) GA. Has now come out as true defender of independent journalists all over the world. FTW has previously reported on the devastating lawsuit brought by Banco Nacional de Mexico (Banamex) owner Roberto Hernandez against NarcoNews Publisher Al Giordano and Mario Menendez of the Mexican daily, "Por Esto."

    http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/pandora/courage.html. You can now read her letter to former Democratic National Chairman Robert Strauss who heads the powerful law firm of Aikin Gump which is bringing the suit on behalf of Banamex.

    After having lost a lawsuit and an appeal in Mexico, Hernandez decided this year to throw his billions at the two journalists - who publish in Mexico - for successfully exposing his connections to drug trafficking on the Yucatan Peninsula and his relations with politicians including Bill Clinton, Vicente Fox and George W Bush. He brought the suit, widely regarded as meritless, in New York City. If successful, that would have meant that an Internet journalist in any country might successfully be sued in any other country in the world where the legal system was friendlier to the plaintiff. Such a move would have us all travelling the world to defend our stories.

    In May, Citigroup announced that it was buying Banamex for $12.5 billion dollars.

    Now, Cynthia McKinney speaks out - against money and power - to defend our most precious of liberties - freedom of speech and of the press. FTW encourages its readers to contact McKinney and express support for her actions. You can use the phone, a fax or send an email:

    202-225-1605 -- phone
    202-226-0691 -- fax
    cymck@mail.house.gov -- email