
Discussion in 'Politics' started by riskfreetrading, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. I agree with you on this statement.

    I read all sacred books (bible, tanakh, Quran). The three of them are talking about the same god who (if he exists) did the creation.

    My disagreement with you is that you seem to be ignorant or a racist and hate spreader, because you attempted to change the meaning of God that others have in their religious beliefs.

    When someone like you comes out, and says for instance that a religion preaches to the moon God, while the people of that religion as well as the scholars in religions know that what you were stating are falsifications, what do you think is the fair way that others ahould percieve and called you?

    I think that you know that you are wrong, and that you are a hate spreaders, a racist, and have a corrupt heart and mind. If God exist, he knows what are your motivation, and will clearly put your ass in hell forever.
    #11     Jan 18, 2009
  2. RFT,

    Would you agree with the statement of Jahdar b. Muhammad al-Tamimi;

    Whoever recognizes G-D but denies the messenger, that person is a recognizer of G-D, a denier of the messenger, and his denial of the messenger does not make him a denier of G-D ?

    Thank You
    #12     Jan 18, 2009
  3. Who is that guy Jahdar....? I never heard of him.

    The Quran is clear about who God is in relation to previous religions.

    Now if you believe that Quran is a message from God, then consequently you would also believe that he sent prophets, because he states it in his message.

    One may doubt the identity of this prophet and that prophet, but to me that is not a question that should be posed and/or is not important. The important things is the message from God not who brought it. In the Quran it is even stated that the messenger is just that: a messenger. His duty is just to deliver the message. He may help others understand the message, but his duty, as a messagenr, towards god is to deliver it. That is it.

    The only question about the messenger is whether he did change the message during the delivery process (human pose it because they know they themselves cheat and make mistakes, so they cannot comprehend that a massenger does not make mistakes). That is why the question of testing scared texts against science. If there is any tempering, then science and time will reveal a contradiction.

    So man should not worship men. Messengers are just men.

    Read only the Quran. Humans write what they think or what they want you to understand/think. The Quran is very clear about the identiy of God. He is the same god of the Jews and Christian. (The God of Abraham).
    #13     Jan 18, 2009
  4. One more question, if I may:

    In your opinion is the Quran "created" or "uncreated" ?

    In other words, was the Quran in existence prior to a prophet receiving the text, or did the Quran receive existence as it was being received ?

    Again, thank you.
    #14     Jan 18, 2009
  5. I do not know the answer to your question. But I think that philosophers have discussed, and fought that battle, and no one won. It is again a human debate, and if the question does not possess a black and white answer, it would be hard to know who is right or who is wrong. That question resembles the debate in current christianity on whether Jesus is a revelation of God.

    I would however repeat that such questions are not important and necessary. The question is rather whether a message is from God and whether it should be followed? That applies to all religions. There is a message in the Quran. That is the only important thing in view that a man should be aware of, and make his decision about its verasity or lack therefore.
    #15     Jan 18, 2009