Half of the Population of the US pay no income taxes

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Just to add that since SS, FICA is capped at about $110,000. So anyone making more than that is basically not paying a 'share' into the SS lock box. Another exemption I guess. I don't mind it, as they say, 'it's the law." Raise that to $300,000 or so we have more revenue to avert the SS crisis in 2030 or whenever the latest comes due.

    #51     Feb 21, 2012
  2. Yep, and extending the payroll tax reduction 'without paying for it' as Mr. Boehner put is not helping the matter one bit.

    Need more money? print it. Need higher deficit limits? Raise them. Great ideas people, just great. This should not be a R and D type culture war or anything of the kind, just common sense says 'spend less' damnit.

    #52     Feb 21, 2012
  3. As long as republicans spam about Obama deficits and spending I will continue to point out that most of Obamas spending is paying Bushs bills.Don't like it,put me on ignore

    As far as Obama spending 3 xs as much,you leave out the part that most of that spending is paying for Bushes wars,tax cuts,paying for all the government growth caused by Bush and Bushs medicare expansion

    You also left out the fact that Obama has smaller deficits 2 out of his 3 years in office then Bushs last deficit of 1.4 trillion and his current deficit is 500 billion less then Bushs last deficit
    #53     Feb 21, 2012
  4. 377OHMS


    Correct, but it is because there is still massive savings held by the citizenry that can be devalued further. We haven't reached the limit yet. When those savings accounts hold balances that are effectively worthless overseas we will have reached the limit of printing.
    #54     Feb 21, 2012
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    We've gone through the Bush blame game before. Obama added his own wars and conflicts. He added Obama care. Blahblah blah. It's so fucking old by this time it offers nothing.

    Blame Bush all you want. The current bozo in the White House is no better than the previous bozo. And you're the bozo who claims they're different.
    #55     Feb 21, 2012
  6. Bush increased spending 88 %,Obama increased spending 7 %

    Libya cost less then a billion dollars,how much did Iraq and Afghanistan cost ?

    Obama increased taxes and cut medicare to pay for Obamacare,Bush didn't do anything to pay for his medicare expansion
    #56     Feb 21, 2012
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Can you please back up the 88% and 7% numbers? Remember to do so with equal time frame (first three and a half years or so). Edit: Don't bother. you're playing a statistics game and you know it. We don't spend percentage points, we spend dollars.

    Obama continued Afghanistan, and the true cost of Libya is not complete.

    And lastly, are you indeed claiming that the cost of Obamacare is covered in tax increases?

    Christ, deja vu. How many times must we discuss the same stupidity on this forum?
    #57     Feb 21, 2012
  8. [​IMG]


    Obama has continued Afghanistan but he is ending it and he has ended Iraq.All GOP candidates in 2008 and 2012 (with the exception of Paul) were against ending Iraq and are against ending Afghanistan so there is a huge difference there between Obama and the GOP .

    Libya's full cost is not known but it wont be anywhere near the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan,and there where no ground troops and no American troops lives lost.Keep that in mind when you try to compare Obamas wars with Bushs wars

    Obamacare is mostly paid for and the fact that he attempted to pay for it is a big difference between he and Bush

    As long as the righties continue to put the blame of spending and deficits on Obama the argument will continue
    #58     Feb 21, 2012
  9. Mercor


    Your points are a joke.
    Percent change doesn't mean anything...it is dollars increased.

    Both charts peak with actual data and only drop with estimated data.

    if you are a businessman and you read charts the way you do then you will no longer be a businessman
    #59     Feb 21, 2012
  10. The USA has become a country of entitlement, everyone looking to get on the gravy train of fake disability, unemploy etc. I was raised that your work for your pay, then you eat.
    #60     Feb 21, 2012