guess whos back on the international scene???

Discussion in 'Politics' started by THECOLONEL, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. the old classic maximum still goes " its not what u know- but who you know"
  2. "For me this is a great honour."

    Sure,Vova,so is for all of us!The show must go on!


    they should also hire Rowan Atkinson as a minister of economy.
  3. Rowan atkinson or borrat?
  4. or is that Borat? My Kazak is poor- but i do like hunting with eagles..
  5. Bob111


    #1-he never left the scene and his position as an owner/ruler ot the country..#2-if this is the news for you...then you probably know nothing about russia..rule #3..stay away from the shit know nothing about..
  6. I do know alot about russia- very friendly people, both the poor and the rich- i like both
    #10     Sep 24, 2011