GRPN Wierd Trading 12/16

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Petrobras, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Wierd trading at the close in GRPN.

    Last 2mins. it trades from 22.50 all the way to 25 in 2 1min candles (see chart, chart is missing the close)

    But the stock closes at 23.04.

    Last two trades on bats are

    16:00:06 23.55 200
    15:59:52 24.58 100

    [notice one dollar difference in two trades!]

    Does anyone have more info on what happened, because it seems a little disorderly. Doesnt seem normal to me
  2. heres the chart
  3. m22au


    Sometimes weird stuff can happen on an options expiration Friday