Group of blacks beat and rob 2 white kids- on Youtube

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Clubber Lang, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Well, one difference is that (most) blacks have every legal right to be in the USA, where as up to half of the latino population are illegals. Regardless of which group you like or dislike more, you can't really ignore that fact. If 30 million illegals left the nation, employment and wages for the lower class would skyrocket overnight, yet no one ever makes that suggestion. These left wingers, so concerned for the poor, wont take the obvious action to provide them with a wealth of jobs and substantially raise their wages....

    It's certainly true that black leadership engenders hatred towards whites. However there are some blacks who are great leaders, with messages of freedom. What's unfortunate is that these black people could in no way be considered "black leadership". What bothers me the most are the gaping double standards, and blatant media bias. I don't like how it's legitimate for blacks, latinos, or any other group of non whites to organize along racial lines and have legitimate group interests, but if white people do it, it's immediately "hateful" and "racist". The blatant anti-white, and anti-western bias in the media and academia is revolting, and it would be considered bigotry of the highest order if directed at any other group. Just imagine if there were affirmative action quotas making it easier for whites to gain admission to universities, or limiting the number of nonwhites that could attend. How about special scholarships only for white students? All subsidized with billions of tax payer dollars... Yet if you want the admission to go to the student with the best scores, or the job to go to the person who is the most qualified, REGARDLESS OF RACE, then somehow YOU are the racist... Did you ever notice how it's only the primarily white nations which are called upon to practice "diversity" and "multiculturalism"?

    While it's true that the best mathematical indicator for how dangerous a given area is in the United States, is what percent of the population is black or latino, I don't know exactly how relevant that is politically. Certainly, if you feel that you should simply avoid blacks, then by all means do so. I do not believe in legal segregation. However, I don't believe in the forceful integration which followed the civil rights movement either. I believe that if people want to integrate or segregate on any basis they so choose, race included, then that's their right. Civil rights was about equal treatment under the law, and for people to be treated as individuals instead of representatives of groups. It was not a sweeping empirical claim that all groups of people are indistinguishable and should have no discernible differences. I believe american blacks, as a group, have unique and valuable characteristics and features, very much worthy of recognition and preservation. I think these calls for "multiculturalism" ultimately undermine their unique and valuable qualities too, although they aren't the immediate target.

    I believe that these "egalitarians" are the real racists. For example when they took the black communities and started forcing them into white communities and schools. Then they promptly began telling black people there was something wrong with them if they didn't act similar to most whites, and conform to white cultural standards. If blacks, as a group, were failing to match whites in a given metric, then that meant that the blacks were "suffering" due to some racism, hate, or bigotry, and somehow needed to be "fixed". If they didn't conform to some criteria which was considered "desirable" (by governments and organizations full of white people), then this meant the black people were somehow deficient. They basically told the black community that if they didn't behave like the white community, then they were broken, and needed "help", and this was white people's fault. What happened? Formerly nice and affluent areas of cities around the nation went to shit, property values plummeted and the 21st century inner city "ghetto" was created. The good schools mostly went to hell, and the white people mostly left, or went to private schools. They even have a term for it- "white flight". The "inner city" and "ghetto" are direct consequences of left wing social engineering. It's rather humorous to compare the outcomes with the promises which were made regarding the outcomes at the time the policies were initiated... I fervently support removing Jim Crow and so forth, but the forceful integration measures were a mistake. In fact, blacks are WORSE off now than they were pre integration by most measurable criteria. As with many other issues, we over corrected, and have now created a culture of victimhood and hate within much of the black community. Of course Jim Crow et al needed to go, but after that things should have been left alone.

    #31     Jan 29, 2011
  2. Yeah, I get your point, but at the same time, it's this kind of thing that pushes people into being "stormfront kids". I mean, the worst thing that you can be called today is the "r-word", and it absolutely gridlocks people from having any open and honest dialog about race. The minute someone strays from the doctrine of the PC orthodoxy, they are viscously attacked and slandered as being bigots, haters, white supremacists, and racists.

    When the PC regime has such a choke hold on the dialog, eventually that's going to build resentment and more people will inevitably become "stormfront kids". It is a fact, we have blacks and latinos committing highly disproportionate amounts of the violent crime like this. This is a very observable phenomenon in most of the nation. The more and more this happens to people, the more and more that people's sons, daughters, friends, spouses, etc are robbed, beaten, raped, killed disproportionately by non whites, and the more they get punished and reprimanded, even slandered for merely daring to mention it, the more people are going to become "stormfront kids". When it's treated as heresy for anyone to mention these facts, how do you expect people to react to that?

    Non whites are allowed and even encouraged to be ethnocentric, but whites are attacked at the hint of it and if anything are taught to be ashamed of their culture. Afrocentric cultural notions are glorified, while eurocentric notions are either ridiculed or portrayed as wicked. Non whites are encouraged to organize along racial and ethnic lines, and told that their group interests are legitimate and acceptable, yet if whites do so it's highly taboo at best. Moreover, these issues can not even be raised for fear of being called the "r-word".

    Now take for example this pack of sadistic mongrelized beasts in the video- if this were a group of whites, hunting down a black gman, beating the shit out of him, taking his money, recording it, and laughing about it it would be national f-ing news. It would be the impetus for a CNN special on "racism in America", there would be candle light vigils, and calls across the nation to "unite against hate". Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackemup would have prime time slots, and the NBP would be out protesting about it like they were with the Duke Lacrosse stripper but worse, and you KNOW this. Punitive measures are taken against whites who seem like it's possible that they might somehow be racist- even high profile professionals can end prestigious careers by merely uttering the wrong syllables such as "cotton pickin", or "nappy headed" , yet non whites get excessive amounts of insulation and protection when they ARE in fact committing the lions share of interracial violent crime. Now think about the fact that this sort of thing happens everyday to whites, disproportionately by non whites over, and over, and over. Yet there is no national news coverage, no CNN specials, and no candle light vigils, in fact nobody wants to hear a word of it... They just have another beaten, raped, or killed son, daughter, friend, or loved one... Furthermore, they are discouraged from even discussing it honestly. Some of them are even told that it's somehow the collective fault of whites that other groups behave this way, as it's implied that they are indirectly responsible, perhaps the price of having "white privilege" ... On top of this, non whites are getting preferential treatment in schools, social organizations, jobs, etc... which can only be perceived as systemic discrimination in the favor of non-whites... Who is their advocate? They can't organize as a group, or pursue interests as a group, because that would make them "bigots" or "racists", which is of course the worst thing to possibly be... The whites can't state their case, or have an open conversation about the issues, let alone be ethnocentric or proud of their culture/heritage the way nonwhites are encouraged to be. The only appropriate attitude for whites to have towards their culture and heritage is shame...

    How many of them do you think just might have not been born virulently hating any and every non white? How much of this do you think there might be underlying the story of any given "stormfront kid"?

    #32     Jan 29, 2011
  3. Larson

    Larson Guest

    Except for classical, I agree on this point. Many great black musicians, who influenced the gamut from Elvis to the british rockers.
    #33     Jan 29, 2011
  4. He didn't give a source, he could've made the whole thing up. But I'll believe him. [​IMG]
    #34     Jan 29, 2011
  5. It's an interesting dilemma because it is the white run and operated MSM and the white run federal, state and local government that continue on with antiquated practices. Many blacks bristle at affirmative action in it's present state. And it was a black man who spearheaded ending it in California.

    The argument for black history, latino history, womens history and all these sub history groups and what not is that white male history is a 365 day event. That has also been largely corrected, but I am still old enuf the remember when black history consisted of one page on MLK and a half page on Malcom X. What did the rest of the history talk about? From a percentage basis this is of course abysmal. Something needed to be done about that, and it was.

    Minorities do not control information flow in this country, and this is of course when the stormfront kids start railing on about the JOOOS. Blacks, the sane ones, hate the ghetto and it's byproducts as much if not more than whites do. But again, the entertainment industry is not controlled by minorities either, so I find it interesting that instead of Earl Klugh being the standard for black culture it is ImmaKillaNiggaandfukhisbitch. Is this incidental?

    Since I personally watched the development of inner city culture, I can safely say that it took more money than they had. They had help, and a lot of it.

    Now, is this an indictment of white people? No. It is an indictment of the owners of this nation, the overwhelming majority of whom happen to be white. Enormous difference.

    Same with the YouTube video.

    Until we truly begin to individualize behavior we will never stop producing stormfront kids, la razza kids, or killwhitey kids.
    #35     Jan 30, 2011
  6. This is a very salient point. The problem is because "poverty pimps" disallow disenfranchised blacks to look in the mirror. I tell a story often about how in the auto industry, legendary German engineering was about to be eclipsed by Japanese engineering. Did the German's call the Japanese a bunch of chinks and keep going the same direction? No. They got on the first thing smoking to find out how they kept being beat to the punch.

    What happened to Bill Cosby when he suggested something similar?

    It was disgraceful.

    Somehow, black culture was turned on it's ear. It went from education being worth dying for to education being like whitey. Until this get systemically fixed there is no hope for the inner city. Of course that would also be the last term for a few Congressmen I know.
    #36     Jan 30, 2011
  7. who the fuck cares, ...

    it's about time we stop throwing good money after bad
    #37     Jan 30, 2011