Greenspan says US interest rates going to double digits

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Tracy McGreedy, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. vectors101

    vectors101 Guest

    he is always right

    maybe the truth sucks that is why you don't want to believe.

    it's called denial.

    #11     Sep 16, 2007
  2. MKTrader


    Well, it happened before (late 70s and early 80s). Not pretty, but it wasn't the Great Depression either. Those who played rates right with real estate and bonds made a fortune.

    #12     Sep 16, 2007
  3. fruitcake?! You're a moron.

    Have you been buried under a rock?
    #13     Sep 16, 2007
  4. The dollar is at an all-time low. Do you understand what even a 50 point basis cut is going to do to it?
    #14     Sep 16, 2007
  5. he's got a book out now, like tim sykes.

    #15     Sep 16, 2007
  6. We's all gonn' die!!!

    Buy my book to find out how. $$$$$

    Thank you,
    Alan "Attention Whore" Greenspan
    #16     Sep 16, 2007
  7. credit helps keep the people complacent, but it finally seems to be turning and i think corruption gets purged during economic contractions

    they're really out of room on the dollar anyway. will be interesting to see the bush administration continue to sell that to the people as an economic achievement
    #17     Sep 16, 2007


    You really have to look at who would benefit from this, us (pawns) or the minority that need low prices in real estate to make big bucks, in the end of the day you can't short sell property, hence low property prices are a must. It's a huge gamble though as it just might bring down the stock market, but you can benefit from its decline, so minority happy and pawns up the arse, as always. Everything is a cycle in life, anywhere you look you ought to find a cycle, Chinese have established this a long long time ago.

    Hungry - Not Hungry
    Have Money - Don't have money
    Have cough - Don't have cough
    You eat - you shit
    You are born - you die
    Cut hair - grow hair
    Feel good - Feel bad
    Love your job - Hate your job
    Buy groceries - throw rubbish away
    Buy property at low prices - Sell when prices are high
    Have sex - Don't have sex
    The list goes on and on

    Higher interest rates will correct and possibly bring recession into housing market commanding lower average prices, don't buy anything now ImO.

    Housing Index's monthly chart remains bearish, price keeps closing lower.

    In the UK around 10 years ago a 1 bed flat (not in centre) could be bought for £35-40k, same flat now is worth 5 times that at the time when average wage hasn't changed at the same rate.

    There are us (Westerners) and there's them (Easterners), in essence there is no difference at all, no matter what faith, colour of skin, etc. There are the Haves and Have-nots and thing is that Haves will always want more, greed has no merits. It's not about money at a certain level, but power.

    "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
    #18     Sep 16, 2007
  9. Inflation is a fact of life...a result of greed...greed is good thinking and this greed creates inflation because the greedy know by creating inflation ei: printing money and by holding more inflationary assest ie: Real Estate and Stock holdings they get richer and richer and richer.

    I've been selling Real Estate for 23 year now very successfully. Been thru the up & down cycles. Just a shake-out! You have to remember like I do what my parents paid for their 1st house! $28,000! Today that same house is worth $400K in only 4 decades! What do U think created that? Inflation! Printing of Money! What they call Growth! Increasing Population! Immigration to North America over the long term!

    We have to look at the bigger picture! Think about the next 20 to 40 years and what the average house price will be! Bet U over $1M! What will the average Market Cap be for good companies! Bet U in the Trillions! This IS the bigger picture & they will have to PRINT more money to support those prices and there will be a larger population in North America to create this thing called GROWTH that countries always seem to want!

    This will not change untill we no longer have this thing called GREED! Our human weakness!
    #19     Sep 16, 2007
  10. You got me curious.. i've always wondered exactly how money supply growth matches up to population growth so i did a little digging

    from 1959 to 2005, US population has grown by 67% while M3 grew by 3185%
    #20     Sep 16, 2007